Stuck Together

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From my Tumblr, requested by anonymous.

It was a Wednesday, and you were in the auditorium cleaning set items. You sighed in boredom wiping down a microphone. Though you liked to help, cleaning wasn't the most enthusiastic chore. Most people had left by now, and you were slightly worried you were the only one left. You stood up and stretched, then heard a guitar being played on stage.

You peeked out of the curtain and there he was: C/n. You were frozen, admiring how beautiful he looked while focusing on his guitar. He stopped playing for a moment and you resorted back behind the thick blue curtain. You took a deep breath, and adjusted some items in the storage room. You knew it was getting pretty late by now, and you were sure he was going to leave soon. Once you thought the coast was clear, you left though the curtain. You bumped shoulders with him while he was playing on his phone. You let out a tiny yell of surprise and he softly chuckled, turning off his phone.

"Hey C/n." You greeted, holding your chest.

"Hey Y/n. I didn't know you were still here." You stared into his amazing eyes, nearly getting lost in them.

"Yeah I guess I lost track of time. I should really get going." You started walking offstage.

"Wait, have you seen some ear buds? I think I lost them somewhere backstage." He touched your arm and it gave you chills.

"Actually I think I did see some. Let me look." You walked backstage and C/n followed behind you. Together, you searched around props and stage items and eventually found them. He thanked you, then you heard a door being messed with. You thought someone was coming in, and stayed behind the curtains for a little bit longer. "So, what are you doing here?"

"Practicing for an audition." He said simply.

"Oh, sweet." You shifted on your feet. C/n just nodded. "I guess now I'll get going." You walked through the curtain and could see no one in the auditorium.

Walking down the large steps, you made your way to the nearest door; it was locked. You became confused and traveled to another door. It was also locked. You worriedly checked all doors in sight and not a single one was unlocked. Meanwhile, C/n was watching you scramble around from the stage. "Are any open?" He questioned, cupping his hands around his mouth. You shook your head, growing anxious.

The janitor must have not noticed the two of you were still in the auditorium, so he locked everything up for the night. You know you left your bag in the drama room, which held your phone. C/n probably did the same with one of his classes, since you weren't supposed to leave backpacks lying around in the auditorium. Your breaths grew shaky as you crossed your arms across your chest in worry. Were you going to have to spend the entire night in here?

C/n observed you, still on the stage, holding his guitar. "Um, Y/n?" He hesitantly called out. You looked up at him. It must've been obvious how scared you were. He didn't say anything else, so you focused your eyes back on the ground. Suddenly, he started playing his guitar. The tune seemed somewhat familiar to you. You decided to walk closer to the stage slowly, and the song became evident. It was "Spit on a Stranger" by Pavement. He was only humming the lyrics at first and it gave you butterflies. Eventually, he started singing with his angelic voice. It made you smile involuntarily.

"I've been thinking long and hard
About the things you said to me,
Like a bitter stranger,
And now I see the long,
The short, the middle and what's inbetween,
I could spit on a stranger"

The rest of the song went by too fast, and it lifted the worry off of your chest. You actually felt comfort with C/n there with you, and being locked in the school didn't seem to be the worst thing, after all.

C/n returned the smile you were giving him and you forced yourself to go up on stage. You looked into his soothing eyes. "That was amazing."

"Thank you." He said. You then yawned, wondering what the time was.

"Tired?" He asked, adorably tilting his head. You nodded. C/n put an arm around your shoulder and walked you backstage. You both worked together to pull a couch out of the storage room. You basically threw yourself on it, and C/n gently sat down after, laying his guitar against the piece of furniture.

"Thanks for making me feel better." You said, looking up at him in your tired state, "Your singing is beautiful."

"You are more beautiful." Your cheeks flushed red. C/n placed and arm around you and pulled you in close. He kissed the top of your head, forcing you to smile. You rested your head against his chest, and fell asleep listening to his steady heartbeat.

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