Preferences: First Date

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Tony Stark

It's almost 7pm and you're ready

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It's almost 7pm and you're ready. Although you are VERY nervous. You check yourself in the mirror, AGAIN for what's like a thousand times. Finally the doorbell rang and you rush to get the door 'OK (Y/N) you can do this. Just stay calm and be yourself.'

"Hey Tony." You opened the door and saw Tony in a tux with a bouquet of roses. And he's eyeing you up and down. You started becoming more nervous.

"Wow, you look very beautiful (Y/N). These are for you, beautiful roses for a beautiful lady." He said handing you the roses.

"Thanks Tony. I'll put them in the vase then we can go." You said putting them in the vase nearby.

"Shall we?" Tony asked in a British accent that made you giggle.

"We shall."

Time skip brought to you by Steve using Tumblr

You've arrived at the restaurant but Tony took you to the back of the restaurant and into the staff elevator.

"Tony, what are you doing?" You said confused.

"You'll see." He said while pushing the button to the highest floor, which is the roof.
"Alright close your eyes."


"Because if you don't it'll ruin the surprise."

You did as he told and close your eyes. Then tou heard the elevator door open and him guiding you out. You could feel the wind's breeze.

"Now, open your eyes."

You opened them and gasp.

"Do you like it?"

"Tony I love it. It's beautiful."

"Good. Now let's eat cuz I'm starving." He said and you laughed.

That night was the best night. You had fun with him.

Steve RogersAfter your run and coffee he took walked you back home to change for work

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Steve Rogers
After your run and coffee he took walked you back home to change for work. As you were on your way home, you got a text from your boss telling you that you got a day off for some reason. So you told Steve.

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