Loki Laufeyson Catch Up

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#1 How You Meet

You're a close friend of Thor. You've known him from Jane and being a S.H.I.E.L.D agent made you closer to him. After a few years of being friends and a LOT of begging he's finally taking you to Asgard.

When you arrived there he had to talk to his father so he took you to the library. After he left you started wandering around the library, amazed by the collection of books you've never read. So you decided to take one and read it in a bay window that looked comfortable. As you were reading you heard somebody clear their throat. You looked up to be met by a pair of green eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I think you're sitting at my spot."

"Oh! I am so sorry. I didn't know."

"(Chuckles) It's fine. Just move a little bit so I can sit."


"I'm Loki. Loki Laufeyson. I don't think I've seen you around here before."

"Oh, I'm a friend of Thor. He brought me here. I'm (Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N) your highness."

"Your highness? I see you've heard of me. But please, call me Loki."

You ended up spending most of the day with Loki talking about your favorite books and everything.

#2 Your First Thoughts
Him: Why is somebody sitting at my spot?! Who is she? I've never seen her before. She's beautiful. Oh she came here with my brother, fantastic. She has really great taste in books, I think I can be very fond with her.

You: Oh no, I didn't know this was somebody's spot. SHIT! It's Thor's brother, I'm dead. He's really handsome though. Dammit, remember what S.H.I.E.L.D said, he's BAD! Huh, he Isn't as  bad as people say he is. He really likes books too. Guess people just haven't known him that well yet.

#3 He Asks You Out
You've just went home from work. You finished earlier today cause there wasn't much work. When you arrived you saw a letter at the coffee table.

Hello (Y/N),
I was hoping you would like to have dinner with me. If yes write yes in this paper and I will pick you up at 7 pm.
Sincerely Yours

You wrote 'yes' on the paper and all of a sudden the paper disappeared. You chuckled remembering Loki and his tricks.

#4 Your Contact Names
Yours in his phone: My Bookworm📕

His in your phone:My King🤴🏻

#5 Your First Date
You looked at your watch and realized that it was already 5:30 so you immediately took a shower and put on (Y/F) casual outfit and light makeup.

Just as you were done you heard a knock on the door and you rushed to open it. 'Alright (Y/N), this is your chance. Please don't embarrass yourself.' You opened the door and saw Loki.

"Greetings (Y/N). You look absolute stunning."

"Thank you Loki."

"Shall we?"

"We shall."

He transported you somewhere. You thought is Asgard but isn't.

"Loki, where are we?" You asked as you awe in amaze

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"Loki, where are we?" You asked as you awe in amaze.

"That my lady is a secret."

You had a picnic, read books, and watch the stars until you fell asleep and Loki brought you back home.
Hey guys, I am so sorry I haven't updated in like a month. I just had a lot of tests, projects, and everything else. And I'm kinda running out of ideas, so for the next few chapters will only be catch ups. Thanks for reading this guys.


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