Chatroom: Nightmares-Avengers(Part 1)

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Plot: In this chatroom the reader used to be a Winter Soldier and fought against the Avengers once, until the reader managed to snap out of it. Now the reader works for the Avengers.
Steve has logged on

Tony has logged on

Natasha has logged on

Clint has logged on

Thor has logged on

Bruce has logged on

Loki has logged on

Steve: Did anybody else heard that?

Tony: You mean that loud high-pitched scream. YES!!!

Natasha: Who the hell would be screaming in the middle of the night?

Clint: I thought we were under attack, I had my bow ready.

Bruce: I think that scream was louder than Hulk's.

Thor: Who dares to wake me from my Beauty Sleep?!

Loki: That was the loudest scream I've ever heard. And I've lived with Thor snoring my entire life.

Tony: Well, that was not me. Wait- Loki you could hear that?!!

Loki: Yes I can. This cage is not soundproof Stark. Genius!

Y/N has logged on

Y/N: Hey guys. Sorry to wake you up. The screaming was from me. You guys can go back to sleep now, sorry to bother you.

Loki: We solved the problem. I'm out.

Loki has logged off

Thor: I apologize for my brother

Tony: You can't do anything about him.

Steve: Y/N are you okay? Why did you scream?

Clint: Are you hurt?

Bruce: Do you want me to bring any meds?

Natasha: Do I need to bring my gun?

Y/N: I'm fine guys. Don't worry.

Tony: Um.... I can hear your scream from my private floor Y/N, so I think we should be worried.

Thor: Do I need to call Director Fury for this?

Y/N: NO!!! Guys I'm fine seriously. Don't worry.

Natasha: You sure? You know you can talk to me right?

Clint: And ME!!!

Y/N: Yes Nat, Clint I'm fine. Don't worry, just go to sleep.

Clint: Alright. I got briefing tomorrow. So, good night.

Clint has logged off

Natasha: Me too. But you know where to find me.

Natasha has logged off

Thor: I also have to visit my father tomorrow. Are you sure you don't need anything Lady Y/N?

Y/N: Yes Thor I'm sure I'll be fine. Good night and sorry to interrupt your sleep before.

Thor: No need to apologize Lady Y/N. And good night to you too.

Thor has logged off

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