Preferences: He's jealous of Your Sibling

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Tony Stark
You were walking around the tower one evening being bored when all of a sudden your brother pop out of nowhere.

"Loki!! You scared the shit out of me!" You said punching him on the arm. "Ow!! Now, is that any way to greet you brother? You know I've missed you." He said smirking.

"Yeah, sure. Well you should've thought that before trying to take over New York. Idiot." You said mumbling the last part knowing he hates it. "What was that? I couldn't quite catch it?" He said leaning closer with that smirk. "Nothing." You reply backing away slowly, "Going somewhere?" He said. "Yes. Bye!!" You said running away before he could catch you. But, curse him and his powers.

Suddenly he was already lifting you above the ground, tickling you. "Loki, put me down!" You said in between laughs. "Not until you admit I am the smartest, most powerful person in all of the nine realms." He said laughing. "Never!" You said not giving up that easily, "Well, you had your chance." He said tickling you more. "Loki stop! Alright, alright. You are the smartest, most powerful person in all of the nine realms! Now put me down." You said finally giving up.

"Thank you. But I changed my mind." He said still tickling you, "Loki, you asshole!" You yelled. "I am the god of mischief, darling." He said laughing until you heard someone clear their throat. It was Tony.

"Hey Tony." You said smiling at him, "Stark." Loki said plainly. "Loki." Tony said glaring at him and turning back to look at you. "(Y/N), Bruce said he needs some help from you in the lab." He said glaring back at Loki. "Alright, thanks. I'll see you around Loki."

When you were out of sight, Tony turned back glaring at Loki "Look, reindeer games. She's mine and there is no way on all of the nine realms she would pick you over me. I mean, I don't think she has ever screamed your name so loud that the entire New York knows she's not gonna be able to walk tomorrow, has she? I don't think so. So, good luck." He said smirking. Leaving a jaw dropped Loki.

"Hey, Bruce said he didn't need help for anything. What are you up to?" You asked Tony when he entered the lab. "Oh, I know. I just had to make sure that you were out of reindeer games grip." He said mumbling.

"Aww. Were you jealous?" You said smirking. "Of course I was jealous. He had his hands all over you. But I've put some senses in him. So, I don't think he'll be flirting with you anymore."

"Tony, you have nothing to be jealous about. He wasn't flirting with me." You said kissing him on the lips. "By the way, what do you mean by 'put some senses in him'?" You pulled away after realizing he said that.

"Oh, hah. I told him that you've screamed my name so loud that the entire New York knows you won't be able to walk the next day." He said smirking. But your smirk left your face once he said that. "Tony, Loki's my twin brother! And you just gave him a  perfectly good reason to throw you off the building again!"

This time it's his turn to lose the smirk. "Well, shit Sherlock."

Steve Rogers
You're getting coffee at Starbucks when you saw Phil walking into Starbucks.

"Hey Phil, over here." You said waving to him.

"Hey (Y/N). What are you doing here?" Phil said walking beside you.

"Oh, I don't know. I was just bored so i decided to queue for 10 minutes just to say 'Hi' to the cashier." You said sarcastically and Phil just rolled him eyes.

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