Silent Noise

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Standing alone in a crowded room. Letting the rain pour over your body as you lay still on the ground. Sitting across from the one who you know has the ability to manipulate you. Feeling the pain of others because you care just that much. Ignoring everything that surrounds you to find just a second of tranquility. Sleeping to forget that there are responsibilities pushing you to the brink of insanity. Stressing out over not being able to find the perfect solution to satisfy everyone's needs. Wanting a moment to breathe while drowning in the needs of another. Needing to be understood in a world filled with people who don't understand anyone but themself. Knowing that this lasts forever so there is nothing that can be avoided. Thinking that you are the only one, but unaware that you are not alone. Remember that we all have these thoughts, and even though there is no escape to this eternity, you are not alone.

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