Chapter Three

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The music changes to a fast paced rap by Tyga and the crowd roars as men and women flood the dance floor again. I ignore the excited mass below me and continue to ascend the flight of stairs until I reach the top and come face to face with a single unguarded door. It was puzzling to see the absence of security but I soon figure out why and I let out a tired sigh.

Above the door's handle was a small metallic box with numerical symbols glowing from it. At its top left corner shone a red light.

The door was locked using biometrics. Which meant that I couldn't enter without the boss's or her personal guard's fingerprints.

We definitely overlooked this possibility in our plans.

Damn it!

I stand for a while and consider my options.

One, I wait for one of her men to come out and jump them or two, just waste no more time and take it down my way.

I stare at the locked door for a few more seconds.

I think I favour the last option.

I curse then turn to scan the area in case someone was present before I turned to face the locked door again. I take in a lungfull of air and call forth the strength within me then focus the power into my right fist. With a speed that no human eye could see, I threw a quick punch at the electronic cube. The sound of steel breaking under the impact drowns in the loud music and the light that was glowing before disappeared.

I try the door with a small push and it gives way easily.


Smirking, I enter the VIP area.


I attempt to make my way towards the stairs, but now and then girls and women would jump before me and begin running their hands over my body or either pulling mine on theirs as if we have ever met before. They whisper words of lust into my ears and I try my best to suppress the beast that is threatening to awaken.

Once more I compell them to stay the hell out of my way before I had the chance to rip their heads off. They scatter away from me with aloofness and fear in their eyes and I continue to make my way for the VIP lounge.

Already I am beginning to regret ever coming tonight.

I near the flight of steps and my foot is on the first landing, when a familiar yet distant scent hits me with a bang. It is sweet and heavenly and I turn to scan the bustling crowd.

I know this scent.

I know it but I can't seem to put my finger on it. It's a scent that I remember from way back when I was only in my three hundreds.

I struggle to figure out the familiar sickly sweet aroma but as quickly as it had come the smell disappears. I run a hand through my hair in frustration  and shake my head, before I turn back to climb the stairs.

Then I feel a hand on my shoulder.


I see him.

He's being crowded by a group of women and I see the annoyance that clouds his rather handsome features. He's tall and well-built and I can see that he's wearing black leather pants and a white button shirt. A bit under-dressed for such an occasion.

He isn't dressed like the security around here,  so he's probably one of the boss's VIP guests.

I get out of my seat and I reach down to feel the familiar form of my gun that is strapped against the back of my right thigh. The dress that I'm wearing conceals it perfectly and I have spare sets of daggers that are hidden in my purse.

I might as well take him out now. It may not help Nina a lot but at least that's one vampire out.

He mumbles something to the women and they move away from him as he slid his way past them. From the scared looks on their faces they were probably threatened.

The vampire makes his way towards the stairs and I quickly make a bee line for him. He reaches the first step but suddenly he turns with a confused look on his face. I keep my eyes on him as I bump into strangers along the way.

Is he sniffing the air right now?

Shit, is it me?

I slow down my pace, but I don't stop.

I swear I doused myself in Diana's scent nullifier before I came.

Valkryjas give off a certain scent that vampires can pick out, so we make it a priority to dab a special scent cancellation perfume that each hunter is provided with before attending missions. Otherwise how could we hunt the prey when it can smell the predator itself.

I feel for my purse but I swear as I remember leaving the bottle of scent nullifier back at the base.

I pray for my scent to drown with the humans and after a few seconds I see him run his hands through his hair in frustration. Then he turns and begins walking up the steps.

I make a quick decision and I rush forward to place a hand on his shoulder.

I needed to lure him away from the VIP area. I needed to get him somewhere private so that no one could see me take him out.

The vampire slowly turns around and I put on a seductive smile. His steely grey eyes stare down at me and I try my best to put up the giddy girl charade.

'Would you like to have some fun?' I move closer and I pray my scent isn't getting to him. I am not going to ruin this mission.

I stare into his eyes and wrap my arms around his neck as I pretend to act drunk.

At first he doesn't respond and I struggle to think of another thing to say when his arms wrap around me and he asks in a low voice.

'What do you have in mind?'


'They have private rooms....' I pretend to slur into his ear, 'let's take our fun there.'

I smile but he doesn't. He still has those steely grey eyes studying me, but I hardly notice, as I am too busy thinking of how I'm going to kill him.

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