Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

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Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes

I woke up around six in the morning from the loudness of Diagon Alley filling my ears. The fire from last night was now out and any trace of my wedding dress was gone. I smiled at that fact then looked at myself in the mirror. My new brunette hair was a mess so I did a simple spell to fix that and conjured up a nice blue dress to go job hunting in and then, maybe, flat hunting.

I hid my bed and everything else before I left the small hiding place and ventured out into Diagon Alley. I walked around for somewhere I’d like to work and stopped at Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor. I went in and asked if there was a job available. There wasn’t so I went to the next shop. There was a job available at Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions and I filled out an application. My name: Jessica Peterson. Date: May seventeenth, 2005. Date of Birth: (great. Gotta make one up) August 28, 1980. I filled out the rest of the application then turned it in and was told to wait for an interview; which happened five minutes later. The interview was hard and by the end, I knew I didn’t have the job. 

I frowned as I left the shop and ran into a tall, blonde haired man on the street. “Oh, I’m sorry.” I apologized and looked up to see who it was. My eyes widened and my heart sank when I saw that it was Lucius Malfoy, Draco’s father. Just stay cool, Claire. You don’t even look like yourself.

“You should be.” He said angrily and went into Madam Malkin’s with a bag. Boy was I happy I didn’t get a job there.

I spent the rest of the day looking for a job but couldn’t find one anywhere. I either wasn’t trained enough or just didn’t know anything about the products. I was getting irritated and hungry and just wanted a job. Finally, I stood outside a shop called Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes and just stared at it. There was a arm moving on the shop lifting a hat on and off its head. Various things appeared under the hat including a rabbit, snake, dove, and a bear. I recognized the face of the man that it was modeled after. It was the same guy I ran into the previous day when I first appeared in Diagon Alley. Since I’ve been up and down this street a thousand times, that’s probably where I recognized him.

I decided to give this shop a try and walked in to find only a couple people in there. I vaguely remembered seeing this place packed but then again this Hogwarts term was in session so no wonder it wasn’t busy. I looked around for a sign of someone who worked there and I saw a dark haired, dark skinned, tall man in a magenta robe standing behind the counter. He wasn’t with a customer and looked rather bored so I walked over to him and started talking.

“Ok, here it is.” I said. “I need a job and I don’t care what I have to do to get it. I’ve been up and down Diagon Alley and found no job and you’re my last hope. I know I don’t have experience and I don’t know anything about the products. Hell, I don’t even know what this shop sales but I’m a fast learner and I’m begging you to give me a job.” I took a deep breath and stared at the man.

He laughed and said, “Alright. I’ll go talk to George. What’s your name?”

“Jessica Peterson.” I answered.

“Ok. I’ll be back.” He walked away and went over to the red haired man I ran into. So his name was George. And he owned the shop. George Weasley. That sounded more familiar. Weasley… right. His younger brother was Ron Weasley who was in my year at Hogwarts. Him, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger were famous at school and Harry defeated Lord Voldemort. Wow. I haven’t thought about them in a long time. I wonder what they were up to.

I watched the man talk to George and they both looked over at me a couple times. I made myself look confident and not as worried as I was about not getting the job. Soon, the man walked back over to me and said, “Well, Jessica, you have a job. I’m Lee Jordan and that guy is the owner George. He said you can start tomorrow but I’m gonna train you after we close. Come back at nine tonight.”

I grinned happily and hugged Lee. “Thank you so much.”

He laughed again. “No problem.” I released him and he said, “See you tonight.”

“See you.” I grinned and left the shop.

At nine o’clock sharp, I was at Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes and waiting for Lee to train me. He put the closed sign on the door after he let me in and he said, “Alright. Let’s get started.” He started walking around. “So, you’re gonna be a greeter and a stock girl since we’re not busy. Once Hogwarts is out, George will decide if you’ll be either a stock girl or greeter. When you greet the customers, just say ‘Welcome to Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes.’ and then the customers will walk around. You’ll also help them find a product and tell them what it does if they don’t know. I’ll give you a list of products before you leave and you should know them all by tomorrow.” He went over to a door behind the counter and said, “This is the backroom. This is where all the products are kept and this is where you’ll go to get whatever needs to be restocked. I work the cash register so you don’t have to worry about that and our uniforms are kept down here. On the top level there is the flat where I live and George’s office. He’s in there most of the time working on new products.” He went over to the window by the door and looked at a picture that looked like George but the man in the picture had both ears. There was also a candle by the picture and Lee looked at me, “This is George’s twin’s memorial. His name was Fred and he died at the Battle of Hogwarts. George doesn’t talk about him and I’d refrain from asking him about Fred.” He smiled at me and said, “That’s it. Any questions.”

I shook my head. “No. It seems easy.”

“Just wait until school gets out.” He pulled out a list and said, “Here’s all the products and be here by five a.m. We open at six.”

“Ok.” I took the list and said, “Thanks again for the job.”

“No problem.” He smiled.

I left the shop and went back to my hiding place. I knew there wasn’t time to find a flat and hell, I liked this place. I put the charms up and got out my bed. I made a fire again and sat there reading over the list of products over and over again. Portable Swamps created a large scale flood to whatever area it was released. Ton-Tongue Toffee made your tongue swell to an indeterminate size. Pygmy Puffs were miniature Puffskeins made in purple or pink and were fluffy, they rolled around, squeaked, and sang on Boxing Day. There was a lot more to it and on my twentieth time reading the list, my eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Second chapter! Hope you like it! George will be in it more in the next chapter. Please comment and vote!

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