Chapter 2

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Simon's life was like any other normal 17 year old life could be like. He partied, hung out with his friends, got caught by the police once or twice for stupid crimes, had relationships, drank and had a all round good time with his mates. He tried hard in school to keep his grades up, but that was something hard to achieve when you're an angel. Yes, that's right. An angel. You see, there were only 2 people in all of the school who were A) of angel decent and B) who were the same age. There wasn't many angels around, as they all went up to 'heaven' to be taught, but Simon wanted to be like all the other kids.

This, is how he met JJ. Simon had originally went to 'Angel Award Academy' but had sneaked off one day to see an old friend who had been kicked out. This friend had planned to meet Simon at a local park he knew on 'earth' and; not being allowed to ever leave his mothers sight, was caught mid way to going down.

The road down to earth was rocky and steep. It was like a massive hill up to the cloud above. The hill came down to the bottom of a forest, which was about 20 acres long; then leading into a park, not 5 minutes away from the town centre. It was a small town with only a square full of market stalls and a line of shops running either side of the square market, but many people went there for daily shopping. The city had much more to offer, and was only a 20 minute bus ride from any place in the town. Their small but cosy little village was tucked away from the majority of the world, with a wall of old crumbling brock, with small pathways and openings to get through. No car or vehicle could get through and only bikes or people, maybe a horse if it was small enough, could make it in. That pathway lead to the city. If a car was to be taken, they would need to leave the town and go around towards the motorway, in which the wall was sturdier and more up to date. The forest was where Simon was caught.

His mother had gotten a call from the head teacher asking weather Simon had returned home, as he did when he got bored of going to lessons or wanted lunch at home and hadn't returned. When his mother replied to no, she knew immediately what her son was up to, and flew with her golden tipped white wings to the hill.

Once Simon had managed to get to the gravel path leading to the woods, he stopped once he saw the shadow of another angel and knew, he had fucked up. A sudden thought ran through his head: I dont give a shit. And from that, he started to sprint away, with his mother only meters above him. He ran through the forest at full sped, not bothering with his wings as they took too much effort to control and to fly. Simon was a footballer, not a flyer. The idea of flying around like Harry Potter on a broomstick bored him, and once flying lessons were introduced, he only did the basics of how to fly and from there only taught himself how to use them to his advantage in football. Sometimes he would go high into the sky and just, sit, on the clouds, or do flips in mid air, or maybe even just fly over his hometown and sit on top of buildings, like his favourite place; the church bell. Where the bell tower and church connect, he sat and watched the sun go down, and then mon rise. He had taken many of girls to this place, and maybe even shared a kiss or two with them, but they never were his 'girlfriend' as, well, he didn't really love these girls, they were just 'one night flings' but they talked for months or weeks, and then they would just.... Stop talking to him. H didn't mind, he didn't have many friend that could make fun of him being single or lonely.

He ran and ran further in to the forest, hoping the trees would cover hi, but they didn't. He decided to hide, what better way to cover yourself from an angry mother than to hide?

This is when he met JJ, hiding in the same ditch as Simon had jumped into. He had slid into the ditch, just missing JJ's head.

"Woah bro, careful where your putting those big troll feet."

"Sorry, didn't think that a hobbit would be here"



"Fuck" they said in sync.

They placed their backs to the ditch, one leg up ready to push off to run, and stayed quiet; motionless and speechless. After a couple minutes of the two people who were looking for JJ had spoke to Simons mother, they both went their separate ways, continuing to look for their victims.

"Phew... Close call" JJ said, a breath he was holding leaving his chest.

"Yeah, too close" Simon sighed, leaning further back into the dirt to catch his breath.

"So, Simon what you running from?"

"How do you-"

"When someone yells a name that's not mine I assume its gonna be the person who slid into a ditch breathless and scaredd"

"Fair point. I'm running from my mum as I skipped school to hang out with my mate, who I dont even know is at the place in ment to meet him."

"ah, I see. Not a fan of school then?"

"Duh" he spat, rolling his eyes. JJ seemed to be a sarcastic and stupid, which wasn't Simons two favourite quality's in a human.

"So, JJ you? Who was that girl yelling for you"

"Well, you see Simon, as a person with super human strength, as I like to think"

Up his own arse a bit then... Simon thought to himself.

"It sorta.. Impressed this group of girls. My crazy fucking ex girlfriend came up to me and started to rant at me cuz they were all around me. I hadn't even tried to impress them, they just... Came up to me and were all 'your muscles are cool, how many hours do you put in at the gym?' And shit. She hates the fact I'm not hers, so went on this massive rant." He crossed his arms and sighed. He was clearly pissed off at this girl.

"So, I walk away, right? I'm not starting an argument with her cuz she ain't shit to me anymore. And she came and followed me home, but I decided that, in order to not die from this crazy bitch, I ran I'm faster than her sooo here I am."

"Ahh... Well, of your not together, why should she be involved in which girls you talk to?"


"Well, I think its safe to come out of this hole..." Simon stated, ready to get up from the rocky and uncomfortable ground.

"Yeah, better be going to sch- oh wait. I cant.."

"Why not?" Simon asked, climbing up and out of the ditch.

"I was expelled today for 3 days as my behaviour was "unacceptable" cuz I threw a lamb at some kid and told him to lighten the Fuck up!"

Both started to laugh, gripping their stomachs.

"Hey, did you wanna hang out with me and my mate, cuz if that crazy ass hoe comes back, I can help you out...?" Simon questioned, scared he will be ratted put or made fun of by this stranger.

"Yeah, ok."

And with that, they both left; speaking about what went down with JJ and how he was expelled and what went down with Simon and the Academy.

And so, later that day, JJ let Simon crash at his for some time, before Simon had taken off as JJ's dad, Hercules, had came home and forced Simon out. You see, JJ's dad was a god so was tired a lot of the time. And he didn't like the fact that JJ didn't train and work out as much as he should, so his dad kept him under strict rules; number one of which was no friends around the house after 4:00 pm. JJ had broken that rule, and didn't want to get slack for it when his dad dis get home. But he offered Simon a place on his couch if his mum was being fussy and annoying. Simon was grateful for JJ's company and offer, as he was the first genuine friend that he had.

And that, my friends, is how JJ and Simon met.

I'm sorry its looking but I'm working on it. I like to inform and include detail so be prepared for long and shitty chapters!

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