Jealousy- Lafayette x reader

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Welcome to Hamilton oneshots! Requests are open, feel free to send me any if you want. And without further ado, everyone give it up for America's favorite fighting Frenchman!
1780 a winter's ball...
You sighed as you leaned against the back wall of the ballroom. God knows you didn't want to be here but it was some political thing your father made you go to. Your fiancé, Charles Lee, approached you, holding two glasses of deep red wine. Another thing you were forced into by your father. He and Charles' fathers were friends and allies so it was in both their best interests to marry you two.
Though, as with most arranged marriages, it was completely and utterly loveless. Lee was a coward who couldn't stand up for himself. He was pathetic.
You threw on a fake smile and graciously accepted the glass of wine.
You two stood in awkward silence for a while until you had finished downing your wine. A waiter came around with an empty platter and you have him as a smile as you placed your empty glass on the platter.
"So... would you, umm, care to dance?" Charles asked when he noticed you had finished your drink.
"Oh. Yeah, sure I guess." You responded with half- hearted enthusiasm.

Lafayette's POV

"Her name, Herc, what is her name?" I clung on to my friends arm for emphasis as I begged him to tell me the name of the beautiful girl who stood against the wall.
"Okay, okay! Her name's (y/n) (l/n). She's senator (l/n)'s daughter." Hercules revealed, throwing his hands in the air in surrender.
"(Y/n)," I hummed, "what a beautiful woman."
"Yes, Laf, we get it. She's beautiful, you mentioned that." John groaned.
"Oh like you would understand, Laurens. You've only got it out for guys." I retorted, rolling my eyes.
"Shut up!" A light blush covered his cheeks.
I turned back to (y/n) to see her hand in hand with a scrawny man. Neither of their mouths were moving as they awkwardly walked to the dance floor. I saw her say something that I couldn't hear which he quickly shot down with a head shake. She then shut her mouth and averted her eyes to the floor.
Anger flooded through me at the scene. "Who is that holding her hand? That should be me!" I growled.
"Easy, Laf! That's her fiancé. Charles Lee." Hercules laughed.
"No no no! That can't be! There is no love in that relationship! I will dance with her, let her escape from her 'fiancé'." I pushed my way past the crowd of people, ignoring the shouts of my friends behind me.
I approached Lee's back, tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention.
"May I?" I asked, gesturing to (y/n).
"Oh, yeah sure." He said, stepping away from her.

2nd person

You cocked your eyebrow as this mysterious man took one of your hands in his own and wrapped the other around your waist.
"So are you going to introduce yourself or am I just going to dance with a stranger?" You asked.
"Désolé désolé. I am Gibert du Montier, Marquis de Lafayette. Everyone just calls me Lafayette." He smiled.
"(Y/n) (l/n)." You introduced yourself.
"Yes, I've heard." You once again raised your eyebrow at his response. "Did that sound stalkerish? Merde, I'm sorry. I am really messing up, aren't I?"
You laughed at the awkward stumbling of the Frenchman. "Don't worry about it, Laf. I'm surprised I'm not messing up myself. Oh. Song's over." You said when the music cut off, disappointment evident in your tone.
"Oh." Lafayette sighed, equally as disappointed as he brought his arms down to his sides.
Someone grabbed your now free hand and quickly started pulling you away. You looked to see Charles, his face flushed with anger.
You quickly pulled your hand from his, "What the hell, Lee?" You asked, anger rising in your voice.
"What the hell? You tell me (y/n)! That guy was obviously into you!" He yelled.
"And why the hell do you care?! I'm never going to love you Charles! So just back off!" You yelled, your voice easily overpowered him and silence befell the crowd around you. You looked up at the faces in the crowd, your eyes meeting your father's. You could easily make out the heavy disappointment in his eyes as he slowly shook his head.
Tears started to build up in your eyes as you turned in your heel and stormed out of the ballroom.
You collapsed against the wall next to the doors. Pulling your knees up to your chest, you buried your head in your knees and let the tears run free. You looked up and quickly dried your face when it heard the door open. Your father walked out and looked around for a moment before seeing you.
He sighed and sat down next to you. You two sat in silence for a little bit before he started talking. "You've embarrassed me in front of anyone who might have even considered being my ally. You've destroyed my relationship with Mr. Lee. Philip Schuyler himself saw that mess! You've ruined everything (y/n)! You're no daughter of mine."
"Father please. I can change, I can learn to love him!" You begged, tears streaming down your face.
"It's too late. I don't ever want to see you again." He got up and left despite your tearful protests.
You sobbed quietly as you wondered what you would do. All your friends had parents that were allies with your dad so they would all be forced to reject you. Well except one.
You thought back to the awkward Frenchman and wondered if he would take you in. He seemed nice enough but you did just meet him a few minutes ago.
You looked up once again to the door opening. And there he was.
"Lafayette." You said in acknowledgment.
"(Y/n). Ma chéri, are you alright?" He crouched down in front of you and wiped away the tears that stained your face.
"No. I'm really not, Laf. My dad... he just disowned me. For embarrassing him! Can you imagine disowning your own child just because they embarrassed you?" You asked, the stupidity of the situation hitting you hard.
"What a horrible thing to do..." he paused for a moment, thinking. "Come live with me! I can to America with a lot of money. I have a big house! Please?" He asked, his eyes shining with a childlike excitement.
You thought for a moment, your eyes drifting down to your left hand which still held your engagement ring. You quickly tore it off and flung it across the room before wrapping your arms around Lafayette, almost knocking him down in the process. "Yes! Yes, I'd love to!"
You pulled your head away from his shoulder, locking eyes with him for a moment before closing your eyes and joining lips with him.
Maybe all this was worth it.

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