1.2 || e m b a r r a s s e d

140 19 2

edited :-)

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[take a pic]

What the fùck is happening? I groaned, and moved my face further into the warmth of my blanket. Or, I guess it wasn't my blanket because I felt a deep chuckle rumble through it as i moved. Come to think of it, my "blanket" was awfully firm and warm.

I fluttered my eyes open only to be met with a bright flash of a camera. I whined again, and buried my head back into the warmth of the mystery person. I felt them laugh again as they slowly retracted their arms from around me. I didn't even notice they were there to be honest.

"Come on, princess. It's time to get up." I heard the familar voice of Ashton whisper into my ear softly.

Oh. So that's who's my makeshift blanket. I remember falling asleep on the couch with him after our little heart to heart, and I guess we slept until morning—fuck, my mum. She is definitely home by now, and she was probably the one taking the pictures.

"Yeah, honey. Listen to your boyfriend." I heard my mum tease.

My head shot up at her words, and I stared up at her with wide eyes.

"I'm not—he's not—we're not—"

"Don't worry, I know." She cut me off, before winking at us and walking away.

I blushed at her embarrassing actions and turned my head towards Ashton.

"Hey." He whispered cutely, with an amused smile on his face.

"Sorry about her." I whispered back, cheepishly.

"Don't worry, she's great." He giggled, leaning in to kiss my cheek softly.

I smiled in relief that he wasn't scared off by her...everything. Don't get me wrong, I love my mum to bits and pieces, but god does that woman know how to embarrass the hell out of me.

I felt Ashton squirm uncomfortably beneath me. Wait, beneath me?! I quickly rolled off of him and fell onto the floor, blushing a dark red. I completely forgot that I was laying on top of him. I groaned as I laid on the floor. I really did not think my movements through.

"Luke! Are you okay?" Ashton asked worriedly, but I could hear him trying to contain his laughter.

I gave him a thumbs up, but continued to lay there, too embarrassed, and lazy, to get up. I heard him let out a small giggle before he was soon laughing his áss off with no shame. I started giggling too, his laughter was just far too contagious not to. Soon enough, we were just two idiots laughing way too hard at something that wasn't even that funny. I could tell my mum was watching fondly from the kitchen, but I didn't care.

"We should probably get up." I spoke, breathlessly, after our laughter had died down.

He nodded in agreement and moved to get up, and that's when I noticed he was still shirtless. I blushed because you could see everything. The mark on his neck, the light scratches I left on his chest, everything.

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