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Jungkook's POV

"Why is she staring at us so much?" Yoongi asked as we all looked over at a girl in a powered blue dress. She wore a long white mask but you could still see her smirk.

"Maybe she likes one you guys?" Lena laughed taking a sip from her drink.

"Why does she look so familiar?" Hoseok question taking a step closer to her. In a flash she started running out the door with us all following her. She has to be up to something. We all started running towards the girl but it was Jimin who got into the lead making me question did he know her.

"Jimin calm down!" Lean screamed as we all ran behind him.

"No I'm not!" JImin screamed back. He threw his mask off as he ran up to the girl jerking her mask off. I didn't recognized the girl but both Hoseok and Jimin knew who she was.

"Doyeon?" Jimin question as he started crying.

"Look you crazy psycho I'm not this person Doyeon. My name is Bonghee. Ji Bong Hee." She snapped back ripping Jimin's hand away from her arm. A tall man walked up to Jimin pushing him back. Hoseok caught Jungkook holding onto his arms.

"Who the hell are you to mess with my girlfriend?" The guy snapped at Jimin.

"Look we are sorry, it's just your girlfriend looks like someone he knows. She died awhile back so please forgive him." Lean spoke bowing a little at the couple.

"I'm sorry for your lost but don't just go chasing people around like that." Bonghee spoke patting Jimin's arm. Her and her boyfriend left us behind as Jimin still was crying his eyes out.

"She sounds, looks, and even smells like Doyeon." Jimin cried. Lean walked over to Jimin pulling him into a hug as she rubbed his head gently. His cries started getting less and less dramatic. Even though I don't like him to well I still feel sorry for him. I mean he lost his sister. And ran after this girl thinking it was her. Wait...

"Distraction." I mumbled looking back at the ball's doors. I started running back inside and looking towards the dance floor where Jiwoo was just at. And like my fear predicted...she wasn't there.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" I screamed making a bunch of people look over at me.

"Where's Jiwoo?" Yoongi snapped walked behind me.

"She was a distraction for us. For him to take Jiwoo!" I felt my heart race as I ran to the dance floor looking for any signs of Jiwoo.

"JIWOO!" I screamed looking around. Few people stopped dancing looking around as well.

"I'm calling Daesuk!" Lena screamed as she ran back inside with Jimin still in her arms.

"It's my fault." I heard Jimin mumble as he fell to the ground. I couldn't deal with him at the moment so instead I ran to Lena grabbing her phone.

"Daeusk. Jiwoo is missing. Can you use her ring to find her?" I asked yelling through the phone.

"She lost it." Lena mumbled looking down. I dropped her phone just staring at her. No. Oh please no!

"What!" Yoongi snapped running his hands through his hair.

"She couldn't have left the building. Everyone split up and look for Jiwoo!" Hoseok shouted. I started running to the other side of the ball looking for any sign of the girl in a black sparkly dress. Everyone here mostly wore bright color dresses so she should stand out a very much.

"Jiwoo! Jiwoo!" I screamed looking around. I was the black rose killer at one time, where would I take Jiwoo if I wanted no one to hear. The basement? Wait no this place doesn't have a basement. Wait...behind the stage. The loud music would block her screams. It's enough for me to at least check it out. I started running back behind the stage as I felt my heart beat uncontrollably.

Please Jiwoo, be safe.

Jiwoo's POV

He started walking off and I wasn't about to let him get away from me yet. I wanted to scream out that he was the black rose killer but people will probably start running and then I'll never catch him. Stupid Jiwoo, why did I lose my ring?

I kept following him until he walked passed a long dark crimson red hallway. I felt my heart race even more knowing there wasn't a soul down here. But even if he did walk down here I have to find him before another dies.

"Do you want to be like your friends Jiwoo and die alone in a dark room? Because I'm not killing you no matter what." It was his voice but I didn't even see anyone down the hallway. I passed a wall that was filled with wires and tv screens. On one of the screens was my friends stand outside. Jimin was holding onto a girl's arm as I could see tears rolling down his face.

"I gave Jimin a small gift for me killing his sweet sister. Her name is Bonghee and she is a spiting image of Doyeon. I found her last week and invited her to this ball." His voice was close to close for my comforter. I felt chills run down my spine as I turned away from the tv. Behind me he was standing with a box in his hand.

"Why are you killing people?" I question taking my mask off.

"There is a reason for this all, and I want you to figure it out my sweet Jiwoo. Put the pieces together and you'll know who I am. But for the time being you must be quiet." I felt a shock hit my stomach and I blacked out.

I woke up to the sound of my name. I opened my eyes to see that I was laying in Jungkook's lap. His eyes were already tearing as he just stared down at me. I felt my heart break looking up at the already broken boy who looked even more broken. "Please don't do that again!" He cried out pulling me closer to his chest. I wrapped my fingers around his arm as I felt my own self shedding some tears.

"YOU FOUND HER!" Pinky screamed with Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi standing beside her. She ran up hugging me as I was still in Jungkook's arms.

"I called the police, they should be here any minute." Jin spoke running up. Where was Jin this whole time?

"Where were you?" I asked Jin as I sat up from Jungkook's lap.

"I had to take a phone call outside. I saw Jimin fussing with a girl so I followed them back inside. Then Hosoek found me and told me you were missing. But I found something that you aren't going to believe." Jin pulled out his phone showing me a picture of a dirt field.

"What is that?" Both me and Pinky asked.

"It's where your friend Doyeon was buried. Someone dug up her grave. Daesuk is the one who called me and told me they left you a note." Jin started flipping through his pictures as he showed me another picture. I read over the note on the photo.

"Find her, find me. If you want to know who we are...find us, just like we found you Jiwoo, Jungkook, Lena, and Taehyung. Find us, like we found you." Pinky read off the note as I just stared at it.

"He's playing with us! Well I'm done playing!" I screamed as I felt tears roll down my face. Doyeon can't even rest in peace because of this fucker! He dug her back up! I jumped up off of the ground and started walking towards the exit. Why did I follow him? Did I really think it would go down this simple? He's a serial killer, he isn't a damn school bully I can just tell the principle on. He's not going to be that ease to find. But if he wants me to find him, I'll find him.

"Jiwoo, what do you think you'll do?" Hoseok asked me as everyone started catching up with me.

"You can't think he'll just show up like that again. We just need to leave this up to the police. Daesuk is really good at this kind of stuff." Pinky spoke. They could go on and on, either way I wasn't letting this fucker out of my sight again.

"He wants to be found, well I'm finding him." I snapped swinging the ballroom's front door open.

His story is almost up....because we are coming after you!

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