chapter 3

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Shhhh you'll wake her
Oh my gosh would you shut up
I wasn't even talking why dont you stop stamping your hoof you'll be the one to wake her...I woke up to whispering from down the hall I groaned but soon fell back asleep when the whispers stopped.

I heard my bedroom door creaking open then I heard feet shuffling in before I heard
I opened my eyes to see my mom my dad my brother and his mate and my three best friends grinning at me my mom was holding a cupcake with a candle in it. "Guys awww thank you you didnt have to the party is enough" I said looking at everyone we know but we wanted to now make a wish. I made my wish and blew our my candle before taking it from my moms hand and resting it on my dressing table and getting off my bed to hug them all. Go take a bath and meet us down stairs I chose something for u its on the closet door my mom said ushering everyone out so I could get ready.

After bathing my self and curl in my hair I walked towards my closet as I opened the door I saw a beautiful baby blue dress with a purple bow by the waist with pink ruffles from the waist go down and a pink button on it saying birthday girl on it. I screamed and took the fress off its hanger eager to try it on I found my baby blue sandals and slipped them on and wore my charm bracelet my brother for me for my last birthday and the necklace and earrings my parents gave me I looked in my mirror and smiled at my reflection in case u haven't guessed it yet baby blue is my favorite color its also the best colour for me it really brings out my colour

I grabbed my bag and walked down stairs to see the house filled of baby blue pink an purple balloons I grinned and grabbed one and popped it to get everyone's attention they were all whispering to each other but looked a little startled when they heard the balloon pop and they all turned towards me and smiled I shook my head so what's up can't the birthday girl get something to eat I'm starving groaned aren't you always something a weird voice sounded in my head don't b frightened Babygirl I'm your wolf Alexis but you can call me Lexi I'm a bit hungry so would ya eat before we shift please hey Lexi no problem let me go eat oh but let me change into something else before we shift of I love this dress ok sugar she laughed before going quiet I stood there grinning at everyone they all looked at me confused before I screamed oh my goddddd I got my wolf her name is Lexi but she says she hungry lets eat before I shift everyone started rushing me towards the table to eat Jo set a huge plate packed with pancakes in front of me I grinned and started eating I didnt think I would eat it all but I did when I was finisher I rushed upstairs and took off my birthday dress and put on a black dress that I dont wear that much as soon as I slid it down over my body I felt a sharp pain in my arms and leg i let out a blood curdling scream that had everyone rushing to my room its start I my mom said and my brother picked me up and ran down the stairs and out the back door into the back yard my mom came from behind my brother and places a blanket down on the ground before my brother put me down its your first shift so it iz going to be painfull my dad was cut off by my screams as a next wave of pain hit me I felt as if every bone in my body was breaking and shifting I closed my eyes and tried to breathe properly and ignore the pain which was pulsing throughout my body.

Slowly but surely the pain subsided, when I opened my eyes I saw white paws when I looked around the rest of my body was black. Hey sugar Lexi said how about we try to stand up yh sure I said rolling off my back so that my paws were under me and tried to stand up but fell back down take your time my dad said maybe you should law down a little longer and catch your self I rolled my eyes at my dad and attempted to stand again as I stood my paws felt slightly wobbly beneath me but I took a deep breath and took slow steps gradually taking bigger steps feeling my legs getting stronger wanna go for a run sis my brother asked I nodded my head everyone went behind some bushes and came out in their wolf forms my brothers wolf was white with black ears and black paws Jo's wild was black with white ears and white paws my mom and dad were both white Ketty was a light brown niecy was a grey wolf ally way also light brown but she looked almost blonde my dad nodded his head toward the forest and we took off

I'll update again later gtg
Love you guys

Hiz queen😍😘

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