My Parents in Public and My Parents in Private (HUGE DIFFERENCE)

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At huge Chinese dinner parties (let's be honest; all of us are forced to go to these at some point), my parents are always like "Yes, yes, my daughter has achieved much with her life. We are very proud of her grades in school. She is good at piano."

And then we get back to my house and it's more like "Did you see that other child there? They have the certificate to teach piano. You're only at level 9, you useless human. You should be more like your friends."

Or "Honestly, I can't believe that you didn't get 110% on this test. Didn't you do the bonus question? I think that (names some obscure friend of theirs at the party)'s child would've gotten 120%. Why can't you be not a failure?" By the way: THERE WAS NO BONUS QUESTION.

Although most days, it's just "sigh, child, why are you like this. Why are you such a failure and a disgrace to your family. We should just dump you in a trash can and disown you and get someone better from the adoption centre."

Why is this my life.

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