Chapter 3

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Turns out, I made it just in time for the introduction speech.  When I saw the auditorium piling up, I decided to take my chances and make a run for it but Ms. Horde, the teacher for sophomore science who was notoriously known for being very snappy, grabbed my arm before I took two steps away from the door. She gave me warning then roughly shoved me inside the auditorium. I shot her a glare and she just smirked back.

I'll remember this Ms. Horde. Better watch your back.

As I took a seat in the very back of the room, I began to observe my surroundings and the people around me.

High school isn't like how they portray it in those cliche teen movies. There's no really specific categories such as the jocks, the cheerleaders, the geeks, the goths, and so on. 

Here, there's only mean, judgemental people. People who don't care about your character, only by the brand of your shoes. Any boy here who don't portray themselves as mean macho guys who never show emotion are labeled gay, as if that's a bad thing. None of the girls are brave enough to be themselves and let loose. There's no individualism. They'd rather look like each other to avoid the risk of being ridiculed for trying out different styles. I can't even find anyone willing, or rather capable of, holding an intellectual conversation with me. Unless you want to count "Oh my god, did you see what she was wearing?" as one. 

Everyone here is too afraid about what other people think to be different. Anyone who dares to step out of the society's norms are immediately ostracized. Which is pretty pathetic if you ask me, seeing as we will all die sooner or later and we don't even know when our time will come. So as long you aren't affecting anyone, just do whatever you want. 

As everyone began to take their seats, a young twenty-something looking woman walked onto the stage. She must be new because I have never seen her before. She had on a pink denim shirt with light blue skinny jeans. The outfit goes well with her pretty auburn colored hair. I couldn't get a good look at her shoes because there were a bunch of heads blocking my view. When she stepped to the mic and smiled, I noticed in her walk how confident she was. I also could tell from her smile that she was an outgoing person.

"Welcome back everyone!" she cheerfully exclaimed. Maybe a bit too cheerful. I mentally cringed from the amount of excitement in her voice. 

"I hope everyone had an AWESOME summer yes?" 

The majority of the students groaned in response, while a couple of cheered and hooted. I just simply shrugged my shoulders. My summer was pretty average. I hung out with some old friends. Read some interesting novels. Met a couple of nice guys , had a few flings. Nobody special or held my interest. At the same time, I spent time by myself, improving myself both mentally and physically wise. So overall, not a bad summer at all.

"Well, I hope you guys are prepared for school because this year, especially for our seniors," she said while there was hoots and cheering in the auditorium, "because we have A LOT going on."

"A lot of you don't know me, so let me introduce myself. My name is Charlotte Winston and I am the new intern for the senior reading class. I just graduated from Pepperdine University and I am THRILLED to start working with you all!"

As she droned on about where she was from and what she liked to do, my ears tuned in to some of the raunchy comments from the boys about her curvy body. I rolled my eyes. This is why I won't take any of the boys seriously. They only have one thing on their minds when it comes to girls, despite all their smooth talk on how they're different than their guy friends. Can't really blame them though. They're still boys, so their brains haven't matured enough yet especially when it comes to relationships, so right now they're just having as much fun as possible. Too bad a lot of the girls, myself included, are looking for something more than a hookup. We know who are the players and usually stay far away from them. Unfortunately, there are a few girls who fall into their own trap by trying to change them and end up getting hurt.

As my eyes wandered around the room, I was slightly taken aback when they landed on the back of some guy's bleached curly hair. It was cut short on top, with a fade on the side. Pretty fresh I'll have to admit, especially for the first day of school. He had on some black earphones and was slightly bent over on his phone.

As I looked closely, I quickly realized it definitely wasn't bleached. No it was dyed stark white. White as snow. But that wasn't the shocking part. The part that shocked me was how much it contrasted his dark skin. At first glance, you would think that it was the color of charcoal. As if he spent multiple summers just sitting under the hot sun, letting it beat ferociously against his skin. But if you carefully looked over at his skin again, you would see how beautiful and smooth it was. LIke a dark piece of chocolate, waiting to be savored. His white hair compliments his dark skin marvelously. 

When he suddenly sat up straight, that should have been my cue to look away. But I couldn't. It was as if I was in a trance because I suddenly can't move. Also I was afraid that I was going to miss something.

When he turned, my breath hitched.


He was beautiful.

There was no other words that would come into mind as I watched him.

My God. He had such weirdly attractive features but put them all together on his face and you'll have a masterpiece. He had such prominent cheekbones and a medium sized nose that wasn't too big nor too narrow for his face. My eyes went to his full brown lips and for a second I found myself wondering how they would feel against mine. But what striked me the most was his green eyes. They were puppy-like yet serious. I couldn't get a good look at them because he wasn't looking right at me. I turned to see what he was looking at but there was nothing there but an empty wall. There used to be posters of some new play that the drama club was working on, but they were all taken down.

When I turned around to look at him, he was already looking at me. Watching me intently with those green eyes. I started to feel very warm all over my body.

"...and I hope we will have no conflicts. The principal has told me that we had one too many fights last year. Let's hope we will have more quiet resolutions this year," Charlotte droned on. I wasn't even listening.

All my attention was on him.

He has such beautiful eyes. They were the color of grass after it's been sprinkled on. But he had such sad eyes. They weren't serious at all. His facial expression was full of sorrow. Like all he knew was pain. By the look on his face, I don't think a genuine smile has been on there for awhile. 

I bet his smile was beautiful as well.

I had the sudden urge- no the need to embrace him. It was a need I felt in the pit of my stomach. It took all my willpower to not get up in front of everyone and hug him until there was no more sadness in his eyes.

Shit. What the hell is wrong with me? What I'm feeling right now, wasn't the feeling of wanting to help someone who was feeling down. This felt...different. 

He finally turned around and I snapped out of the trance. I've noticed that people were already getting up to leave. As I got up to go, my mind went back on the boy.

There was just something about him that was so intriguing. I need to know why he looked so miserable. Even though he was a mere stranger who I have yet to a word to. A stranger with white hair. And sad green eyes.

And I still didn't know his name.

---- End of Chapter Three---

Twitter: awechillvibe

Instagram: theweirdblackchick

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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