Riker Imagine

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  • Dedicated to Riker Lynch :)

It's 4am in the morning and your water broke. You shake Riker awake. "Riker." You say. "Mmmh?" He asked. "It's coming." You said. "What?" He asked. "It's coming." You repeat. Riker shot out of bed and and grabbed his jacket. He helped you out of bed, grabbed your jaket, and slowly guided you out of the house. You started breathing heavily while Riker drove to the hospital. "Breathe." Riker said. "I'm trying!" You said. 

You arrived at the hospital and Riker guided you towards the building. "My wife is in labor! We need a doctor!" Riker said. A doctor hurried you to an empty room. "Ok, wait here until we find an available doctor." He said. You nodded. Riker held on tightly to your hand and told you to breathe in and out. A few minutes later, a doctor arrives at the room to help you give birth. 

A few minutes later, you held in your hands two healthy little twin girls named Rachelle and Reanna Lynch. "Can I hold one?" Riker asked. You hand him Reanna gently. You can hear him singing softly to Reanna and you smile. "You're going to be a great father." You say. Riker looks up. "And you're going to be a great mother." Riker said. You two lean in and kiss. 


Sorry if it's too short! If you don't like this imagine, please tell me! Hope you loved it! -Monica xo

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