Chresanto , the very successful multimillionaire sex toy creator for couples who seemed to have everything could instantly screw it all up by temptation in disguise. Him , 32 and his wife Kimberly , 30 allow what seems to be an innocent girl stay wi...
I couldn't believe what just happened. After Laurianna left all Kim said to me was she couldn't believe me. I called my friend Brian down in my office , he's a local investigator and i had him look more into Laurianna , he saw she was listed as on the verge of bipolar disorder but I didn't notice that. She was also listed as a possible mentally not there. I didn't see any of that in her , maybe the anger and tantrums. I had to go out and find this girl. For my wife , for her. I put on some gray sweats and a black hoodie with black Jordan foams. It was pouring outside , storming badly. But before I walked out the room I looked back at Kim she looked at me teary eyed. "Do what you have to do Chres" she let a few tears drop. "Just get make sure she doesn't lose my baby." I just looked down and kept going.
End of POV
Chresanto walked down the stairs and noticed the guest house lights were on. He walked out and saw Laurianna, the lights were on , windows open she was laying on her bed watching an investigation show eating pineapples in sexy gray lingerie with a matching lace robe. Her hair was straight. He began getting frustrated, Laurianna saw Chres standing on the backyard porch looking into her window she stood up with the robe hanging slightly off her shoulder. She looked sad , Chresanto felt for it. It was something about her innocent eyes. She opened her window a bit letting in the breeze from the rain , she turned back to her bed and acted as if Chres wasn't there. He walked to the guest house and busted in , breathing heavily. Laurianna looked at him , they both knew what they wanted but couldn't say and Chresanto didn't want to act on it. "Chresanto , i'm sorry" Laurianna said teary eyed. He didn't say anything, he just looked at her coldly. She sighed and got up and walked into her bathroom and dropped her robe and looked at her body , she looked at him and he walked over towards her aggressively and put his hands on each side of her face, He kissed her very aggressively but filled with passion, as if he's been wanting to taste her lips for so long. The kiss got hotter and deeper, Chresanto picked her up and laid her down on her bed. She wrapped her legs around him and was taking in every bit of the pleasure. He began kissing down on her neck , Laurianna's hot spot. She began letting out soft moans and he left a hickeys on her neck all over. He moved back up to her lips , sucking her bottom lip as he pulled away. He got up and looked at her cold again. "This will never happen again." And he walked out of the room. Only to see Kim who had been watching down from their bedroom balcony the whole time. She was hurt but she understood he did it for their child , or did he?
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