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"My office now!"

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"My office now!"

He was not in the mood for her antics today. Obviously his warning to her yesterday about being late had gone in one ear and back out the other. He walked into his office and ignored Mary's pleading look when he had stalked by her front desk.

"Before you say anything please let me..."

"Why are you here ms. Walter's?" He interrupted before she could continue on with her ranting.

"Its a part of my requirements to graduate"

"Is that the only reason you're here?" He asked still not facing her as he looked out the window.

"No, I love this field of study. I know I can learn a lot being here"

"Then its such a shame that your time here has to be cut so short" he pulled his hands from his pocket and turned to face her.

"What!? Look I'm sorry I was late, I can do better I promise. If you fire me I won't graduate"

Her voice sounded brittle as if she were about to cry any minute, but he blocked his mind against the unhappy expression on her face.

"I take my business serious, a sentiment you obviously do not share. I don't take kindly to idlers. I would much rather to give this post to someone much more deserving"

"I understand. Its just that, l mean..."

He looked on at her crestfallen expression. Internal battle written all over her face. Panicked written in her eyes. His eyes dropped to her lips as she nervously chewed on her bottom lip. He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration then released a calming breath.

"This is your second strike. Third strike you're out"

Before he could even blink he heard her squeal in excitement as she rounded his desk and threw herself at him in a grateful hug.

Not knowing what to do he stood there so tensed. The feel of her against him was something his traitorous mind had been imagining since he laid his eyes on her on her first day. His stomach fluttered at the feeling of being pressed against her. Her embrace was warm and suddenly it like the world around him melt away as he let himself enjoy the feeling of being close to someone even if it was just for a quick minute.

He untangled himself from her and gently but firmly set her away from him. He looked at her face and his eyes narrowed as he took in the slight pink tint on her cheeks. She turned and hurried out of his office before he could say another word.

I guess I'm not the only one that was affected by that hug. I don't know how I should feel about that. Why is it so easy for this woman to get under my skin when no one else has come close, not since...

"Not today, don't even go there"

With a frustrated groan he grabbed his keys and headed for the door. As he passed by Jessica's desk his eyes met hers and before roaming over the disastrous state her desk was in.

How in the world does she find anything, how can she even find her desk?

As if sensing his thoughts she sent him a half smile and started cleaning up.

"You're in charge of the tours while I'm away" he told her in a brisk tone.

"Tours? Um...yes sir" she replied uncertainly.

He walked by Mary at front desk and shook his head at her when she sent him a knowing smirk. Mary had been working with him at the gallery ever since he inherited the place from his grandfather. She was like a second mother to him. She's the one that often kept him in line. If it wasn't for her God knows where he would be today.

He climbed into his car and buckled up, then pulled his 2016 Tesla into the afternoon traffic. He drove through shortcuts trying to avoid the bumper to bumper afternoon traffic, a few minutes later he pulled into the parking lot at the cemetery. He took a deep breath before stepping out and walking through the rusted iron gates.

Autumn had caused the leaves to fall from trees creating a colorful blanket on the ground. The clouds were overlapping, hiding the sun, creating a gloomy day. Javier walked a few minutes until he came to a stop.

"Hola Isabella, I know its been a while since I visited. I guess I didn't have anything to say. Life is good for me now...well it was. And intern started working at the gallery yesterday, funny it feels longer. She reminds me of you sometimes. She scares me and I don't know how to keep working with her. She has the same eyes like you did, that caught my attention first. Anyway I need to get back."

He hesitated a bit before walking back to his car. Its been seven years since Isabella died. He remember getting the call the night of his twentieth birthday party. To say he was devastated was saying the least especially the reason behind her accident.

Everything had changed since that night, everything including him.

He made a quick stop at Starbucks before going back to work. With a tray in hand and sandwiches in the other he made his way inside. He handed Mary her lunch then paused by the glass door to observe Jessica leading a tour.

Her face was alight as she discussed the history of the art pieces. Her eyes danced with excitement and her smile was stretched so wide he was sure her cheeks would hurt later. He watched the way she was patient with the group, she answered questions and made witty jokes that caused the group to rumble with amused laughter.

This is a side of her he was just seeing.

How many layers of you are there ms. Walters?

He turned from the door and placed her lunch on her desk. Of course he had to shift a few things around so he could make space.

This woman was indeed chaos.

He polished off his food and washed it down with his coffee and settled back in his chair after using a towelette to skillfully clean his hand. He went through some emails about some new artifacts he was currently trying to close the deal on.

"Thank you for lunch, that was very thoughtful of you" he heard he say from the door.

He looked up from his computer screen to see Jessica leaning into his office.

"Sure, no problem"

She walked back out and he went back to his computer feeling almost content.

This might not be so bad after all.

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