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Javier pulled into the dirt driveway and tried to swallow the jealousy that swept over him when he saw Jessica and Logan pull apart from a hug at the intrusion of his headlights

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Javier pulled into the dirt driveway and tried to swallow the jealousy that swept over him when he saw Jessica and Logan pull apart from a hug at the intrusion of his headlights. For a minute he left the lights on and sat staring at them but when they got up from the porch swing, he cut the lights and braced himself for the confrontation that was about to come.

He was well aware of the fact that he should be giving her space but that didn't sit well with him. He couldn't stand by waiting and watching as the distance between them grew while he did nothing to stop it. So here he was, a bouquet of rose and a case of chocolate in hand ready to fight for the woman he loves.

All his life he had sat by and let everyone make his decisions for him. Choose the paths for him that they thought was best. He knew what was to come if he chose Jessica but the fact is the was no other choice for him. Life before her didn't make sense but he had found himself again, found who he really wants to be when he met her. She had shown him love and patience without hesitation, forgiveness and acceptance. She had a heart so pure sometimes he wondered if she truly wasn't an angel, his angel.

At first he had tried very much to deny the attraction he felt towards her. He almost resented her for making him feel again. Feeling always left him hurt, empty, broken. Jessica had shown him it would be pointless to run away from love just because the pass wasn't what he had hoped it would be. She had shown him what he would be missing, shown him what he would be missing with her.

First he had gone to her apartment but she wasn't there. He thought she might be with Logan which scared the life out of him so he tried calling Logan. His call went straight to voicemail but a text came in right after from Logan stating he had gone home with Jessica. Panicking with all sorts of things running through his mind he had raced back to her apartment. His nervousness grew when he realized they weren't there so he rushed to Logan's place thinking they had to be there but his maid told him Logan had gone home. He stopped to think for a while before realizing they must be here.

“Hi” he said quietly eyeing the hand that Logan still hand thrown across Jessica's shoulder.

He saw her tense up before shrugging out of Logans hold.

“What are you doing here” she asked him quietly.

He glanced at Logan then back at her. He felt a pinch in his gut thinking while Logan was welcomed he obviously wasn't. He thought about leaving but one look in her eyes he knew he couldn't walk away.

“I had to see you” he confessed

“Oh come on! Another one followed you home? What have you been doing to the poor fellas in the city?” Jason exclaimed

Javier turned to find three men standing by the front door watching him intently. The older of the three looked away from him to stare pointedly at Jessica before turning back to him. Recognition and tension lit his eyes.

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