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Jessica stood by the window looking at the crowd of people that gathered outside

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Jessica stood by the window looking at the crowd of people that gathered outside. The crowd seem to be multiplying by the minute. She was feeling nervous excited for the grand opening of their small gallery.

Three years had passed and she couldn't be happier. She looked down at her new engagement ring and sighed happily. The ring was beautiful, white gold with an green emerald stone that was the perfect shade of her eyes.

Things had turned out well for them even thought the journey wasn't an easy one. Since Javier had lost the gallery and of course he didn't inherit the money his grandfather left behind. It was hard for him at first but she had made sure to be there for him to help pick up the pieces. After some time had passed she had finally convinced him to go public with his own paintings. He started out small, showing a few pieces here and there until eventually it had caught media attention.

Offers started coming in for current paintings until persons started putting in requests. Having time on her hand she had created a website with the help of a girl she went to highschool with and things had taken off. Sales went out and money came in. They had saved and started making plans to open their own gallery. The money they acquired over the years was used to purchased this building that with the help from community members they had renovated. Walls were changed out to glass allowing more light to come in. Rooms were joined and inside walls removed to create a bigger space. Now here they were two years later about to have a grand opening to showcase Javier's paintings along with all the pieces from the previous gallery he had bought during the time he was in charge.

“Have I told you lately how much you mean to me?”

Jessica turned to smile at Javier as he walked over to her. Her heart Nevers fails to skip a beat at the sight of him. The man simply had it going on. She leaned back against him as he wrapped his arms around her.

“Are you ready?” He asked her

“I should be the one asking you that” she replied as she tilted her head back to smile at him.

“With you by my side I'll be ready for just about anything.”

She closed her eyes as he pressed his warm lips against her cheek.

“Its showtime people” the director announced as he waltzed into the room clapping his hands to get their attention.

Jessica looked around and nodded at the serves who stood ready with ordures and champagne then she took Javier's hand as he lead her to the door.

The chattering of the crowd and the flashes and whirring of the cameras greeted them as the doors were pulled open. Her heart swelled with pride as she stood back so Javier could cut the large ribbon. The crowd erupted into applause then everyone started greeting then on their way in.

She was so happy to see basically the whole town out to help celebrate. The gallery is expected to bring a lot of attention to their small town. It made her happy to know everyone would benefit one way or the other from all this. Her face lit up when she saw her brothers in line waiting to come in. Javier had quickly gained their trust especially after his decision of no sex with her before marriage. It helped even more when he told them he was moving to their town.

She greeted each of them and their dates and promised to see them later.

“Seriously Jordan? Where's your date?” She asked him. She very well knew Jordan and date didn't belong in the same sentence but she never failed to try.

“Don't start sis” he grumbled

She noticed he wasn't making eye contact and that was strange for a guy that usually stares into your eyes like he could see right to your soul.

“You OK?” She asked him

“Uh huh, yep sure” he quickly turned from her to greet Javier before hurrying inside.

“What was that about?” She mumbled to herself

“That's strange behavior even for Jordan” Javier replied

“The party has arrived!” Logan announced as he pulled her into a hug

Javier wasted no time pulling her away and tucking her to his side, so close not even air could pass through.

“Hey Logan” she greeted him. She turned to his date and smiled trying not to show her surprise. Just a couple days ago she had seen him kissing a woman and it sure wasn't the one next to him. “Really?” She whispered to him as he walked by her. He sent her a wink then turned to grab two glasses of champagne as he walked by a waitress. She watched as the waitress blushed which means he had managed to say something to her.

“That man will never change” she said shaking her head.

“Now you see why I get nervous when he's around you” Javier complained

“There's no need to be nervous baby. I have eyes only for you. That's never going to change” she assured him

“Good, now let's go kick things off”

She glanced at Jordan who tensed up and looked away when he caught her gaze.

Hmm...there's something going on with my brother, but I guess that's a story for later.

She turned and joined in with the applause as Javier pulled on the cord to part the curtains and reveal the pieces.

She turned and joined in with the applause as Javier pulled on the cord to part the curtains and reveal the pieces

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The End

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