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Javier sat in the couch as he waited for Jessica to get home

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Javier sat in the couch as he waited for Jessica to get home. He had paid her landlord to let him in, though that worked in his favor it left him feeling a but uneasy to know that all someone had to do is wave some cash before his eyes and he would open her door to them. It had only been one night but one night too long without her. Bethany had been relentless in her flirting and he just needed time away from her to breathe.

His heart leaped in happiness when he heard the key begin to turn in the door. Jessica walked in with her luggage in one hand and a box of pizza in the other. A I love NY hat sat on top of her head. She paused when she saw him.

“You're here” she said

“Surprise!” He replied

She sent him a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes and he felt himself begin to tense. She turned to close the door and he got up and walked over to her. He moved her hat so he could give her a quick welcome back kiss.

He didn't miss the fact that she was a bit pale and trembling, or that she was avoiding his eye contact.

This can't happened again, it just can't.

“What's the matter?” He asked

He watched her put the pizza on the table then sat down. She had her head down so he walked over to her. He reached out to lift her head but stopped when she looked up at him with tears running down her face.

“Logan and I kissed ” she said between tears


His heart began to beat a little faster as he stood there processing her words. He remained silent and unresponsive as he watched her silently weeping. It was happening all over again. He had open himself to someone that had suddenly changed, someone that betrayed him. As the familiar feeling sunk in he turned and march out of her apartment without saying a word.

He did it again, he went after my girl. My girl betrayed me.

He slammed his fist repeatedly on the elevator button but the doors remained closed. He turned at the sound of his name being whispered and saw her standing there. Instead of waiting he headed for the stairs. Before the door could swish close behind him he curse when he heard the elevator ding open. He realized he could have saved himself the trouble of  taking the stairs if he had waited a few seconds longer.

He rushed down the stairs, eager to get away from here, get away from her. When he finally got to the first floor he cursed when he saw Jessica standing there waiting. She had obviously taken the elevator.

“Javier let me explain” she pleaded

“Explain what?”

“Its not how you think I promise you”

“You kissed him didn't you?”

“Yes but…”

“But nothing. You betrayed me”

“I didn't mean to”

“I guess we're over, not that we really started”

“Javier no! I only did it to help him!”

“So you sacrificed my trust to help him? How heroic”

He pulled his jacket closed and walked out of the building, leaving her standing there.


The next few days around the office was tensed. Working so close to Jessica was driving him crazy. Each time she was near him he had to resist the urge to reach out and touch her. Every time she came into his office he wanted to get up and leave.

“Here are the files you wanted and here are the notes for today”

Can't a guy get a break for once!?

He looked at the files she held out but didn't make a move to take them. He heard her sigh then placed them on his desk. He glanced at the files and realized one was missing.

“A file is missing” he said in a accusatory tone.

“I know. I'm still trying to locate it. I'll be going to the file room now to try and find it.”

“I'll do it myself!”

“Its my job”

“And I'm suppose to take your word that you're going to do what you say you will.”

OK low blow, but she had it coming.

He had expected her to respond but she didn't. She sent him a defeated broken look before walking out. He suddenly felt like the biggest asshole and he hated it. She had wronged him yet here he was feeling guilty. He got up and rushed after her. She ignored his called and only stopped when she got to the file room.

“This is hard for me OK?” He said

“And its easy for me?!” She exclaimed

“You kissed my best friend!”

“And I feel like the greatest hypocrite alive because I kissed him!”

“Forget it I'll just go”

He walked away from her but stopped and walked back to her.

No I can't just walk away, not this time. I need answers. This can't keep happening.

“Why did you do it?” He asked her

He stood there as she explained what had happened with Logan's grandfather. The more he listened, the more he felt bad that he hadn't given her the chance to explain a few days ago. He was relieved to know it was more a pity kiss than her falling for Logan but it still didn't sit well with him, especially considering his past with Logan.

He pulled her to him and kissed her.

“We'll get pass this, I'm sorry I was such a asshole to you.”

“I'm sorry I kissed him.”

"I don't care what situation you're in again. Don't ever kiss him."

"I won't"

"Promise me."

"I promise" she replied as she held his face between her hands.

He leaned into her touch as she caressed the side of his face. Then he closed his eyes. He wanted badly to get pass this, it wasn't going to be easy but he would try. The thought of her kissing Logan though only brought up pass memories he had trued so hard to leave buried in the past.

 The thought of her kissing Logan though only brought up pass memories he had trued so hard to leave buried in the past

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