Butterflies Intensify

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     Mae stretches, gets out of bed, and makes her way towards the body-length mirror in the corner of the room.
     "Hey, would ya look at that," she mumbles, "I look like utter hell."
     Mae fixes herself up, brushes her fur, and applies her favorite Slammercakes flavored lipgloss.
     "Well that was like putting lipstick on a skeleton- It doesn't make it any prettier," she sarcastically scuffs.

     As soon as she hears a *bing* from her laptop, she dashes to the keyboard.

- BEA: "Hey.  You coming today?"
- MAE:  "Allljgrewass tteaat"
- BEA: "???"
- MAE: "Sorry, my claws twitched on the keyboard.  OMW"

     Once Mae finally arrives at the Ol Pickaxe, she kicks open the door in confidence!  Or, she may have broke it but that doesn't matter.
     Bea raises one eyebrow, "Oh. You actually came.  Congratulations."

     Bea asked Mae if she wanted to help her around the shop.  They do so for about half an hour, when Mae finally decides to break the ice.  "Bea, your eyeliner is like, totally perfection."
     "I know," Bea replies in vein.
     "Can I try to apply some on you?  I can never do that shit on myself."
     "Go nuts."  Bea sits down on the floor in the corner of the shop, next to an old makeup mirror.  She switches the setting to "Home."
     Mae walks over to her as Bea holds up the brush, handing it to her.  Mae grabs it, and sits on Bea's lap with her legs wrapped around her hips.
     "Lemme see how this works..."  Mae says in an amateur manner.  Bea closes her eyes as Mae applies the eyeliner.  A line crosses on the eyelid and gets smeared when Bea slightly moves.  "Shit.  I effed it up," Mae snaps in disappointment.
     "Great, Mae, now I probably look like crap."
     "Bea, you're like, always a princess in my eyes."   Mae moves a little closer to 'inspect her eyeliner.'  Her face flushes and there goes the butterflies again.
     Bea hesitates for a moment and then softly says, "You're gorgeous."
     "No, you are,"  Mae says inching a little closer.
     Bea looks into her eyes slightly confused, but follows Mae's footsteps and leans forward.  Mae forces herself to progress and touches her lips against Bea's.  It was a soft and tender kiss.  That butterfly feeling was stronger than ever, it swarmed from her heart all throughout her body.  Mae eventually cuts off the kiss.  She opens her eyes realizing that Bea's were never closed.
     "S-sorry.  I get kind of shy."

~ To be Continued ~

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