Will You Maerry Me?

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     At this point a year and a half has past, and Mae and Bea are still best lovers.  Bea spends the night at Mae's so much that she basically lives there.  Mae even pushed herself to get a part time job at the Ol' Pickaxe, but apart from the literal tools and nails, something is really screwing with Mae's head.


     Mae gazes at herself in her body-long mirror.  Crap... I'm in love with Bea.  After Cole, I never thought I'd touch those feelings with anyone else- ever!  And a with a girl no less?  It's, like, stranger than ghosts.  But, like, now...

I want her to be my wife.

     Mae gazes down at the box in her hands, clutching it at her fingertips.  She breaks into a cold sweat.

     How do I do this?  I've never even brought this up to her?  I barely even know how to make myself look presentable in the morning...  Gregg... I'll call Gregg!  He was nervous about proposing to Angus, right?

  Mae dials up her good ol' trustworthy best friend, Gregg's, number.  She vents her guts out, expressing great passion, fear, and nervousness.  In the end, Gregg gives her the most generic advice, "Just do it!  She loves you!  Ect!" 
     "Crap.  Effing crap,"  Mae spurts as she hangs up the phone, "I am so not confident about this."  She spontaneously hops over to her laptop.

MAE:  "Hey BeaBea, wanna link @ the park this afternoon??? ❤️"

     In less than a millisecond,  Bea's response flashes at the top of Mae's screen.

BEA:  "Sure. ❤️  Seeya then."

     Despite them being together for over a year, Bea's messages were always underwhelming.  Nothing wrong about that, just how typical Bea is.

MAE:  "ok beabea love you ❤️"


   Later that day, Mae is sitting on the cheaply painted and barely standing wooden bench at the empty park.  The Possom Springs park used to be full of children, laughter,  and fun, but you know, they're all grown up now.  And nobody raises children in Possom Springs at this point, they realized it's too bad of an environment.  So the park remains empty, but calming, with a beautiful view of the upcoming sunset.  Mae clutches the soft box in her pocket.  Out of the glorious orange sunlight, Bea approaches forward.

     "Hey Mae-day," she says grabbing Mae's face and pulling her in for a kiss.  Mae kisses back, but only softly.  Bea pulls away and gazes into her big accented cat eyes.  She can barely muster words in this beautiful moment.  She just smiles, as Mae wipes smeared lipgloss from her lips.  Mae is stunned for a moment.
     "Bea, okay, so like, I love seeing you in general, but the reason I told you to come here tonight was because I have something important to say."
     "Really?  Well then, that's a coincidence.  Because I do too."
     "W-... Oh okay! Umm... You go first then?  Because mine is, um, SUPER mega important!"
     Bea giggles, "No, silly, I wont be able to reveal MY little important words until I know what you're about to say."
     "Okay, Bea...  I have something important to ask you,"  Mae leans in a little closer to Bea on the bench, takes a deep breath, and spits out, "Will you, um, m-... m-make sure that you don't forget to lock your car doors from
now on?  I just want you to be safe,"  Mae says bashfully, quickly looking away.  
     "Oh... Ha Ha, yeah, I will don't worry," she says so disappointed, you can see it across her face.
     Mae then sucks up her pride and grabs Bea by her claws, "Oh, who am I kidding, Bea,"  Mae pulls Bea off the bench, so she's standing up with the sunlight in view.  She gets down on one knee and confidently asks,  "Beatrice Santello, will you marry me?"
     Bea stares in utter awe for a few seconds, but hesitates a reply, "Oh... Oh my god."  She breaks into a sweat, and her tail flicks a bit.  "Mae, ugh, I don't even know what to say right now, that's so god damn sweet, but..."
     Mae quickly tries to fix this awkward situation.  "N-no!  It's fine, um, it's okay if you aren't ready, I'm so sorry Bea."  Mae tries to hide he fact that she could easily burst into tears right now.
     "Listen Mae, my 'important thing' I have to discuss with you totally deflects what you're doing right now..."
     Mae sniffs, but holds back the tears, but her eyes widen, "What?  You don't want to break up do you?  I'm- I'm sorry!  If I did anything wrong, I-"
     Bea bashfully pulls a box of her own and gets down on one knee, "Mae, I don't know about you, but I've been planning on doing this for a while,"  Mae's heart drops along with her jaw  Bea slowly opens the box, revealing a shiny diamond ring.  "Margaret Borowski, your the love of my life and the woman of my dreams, will you marry me?" 
     Mae squeals and hugs jumps into Bea's arms hugging her so tight, that if crocodiles didn't have such strong skin, her spine would be broken. 
     The two newlyweds kiss, sealing their lips, and their love.  "Oh Bea, I think I might be in love with you."
     "I think I Mae Bea in love with you, too."

I Think I Mae Bea in Love With YouWhere stories live. Discover now