Chapter 3: Meeting new friend's and foe's

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The next morning before sunrise you and the lieutenant headed out with the convoy towards the famed beacon academy. The convoy consists of 2 mark six super land ships and 4 transport vehicles, each holding 20 men. So a total of 82 marines including you and the lieutenant( excluding the tank crews). You're riding in front of the convoy inside of the tank, the lieutenant is in the second tank at the back of the convoy. After 2 and a half hours of being cooped up inside the tank you decide to stop at the next cross section to see where your going, you depend on a poorly made map and poor directions given by the village elder. You look up from the map too look at the road signs to see the next if there was a village, town or city nearby. One said Vale 40km ( i don't know if they use the metric system or not, but i'm gonna use it anyways) you decide to go to vale hoping to find this so called beacon academy.

*time skip* 1 hour

You finally reach Vale you get out of your tank and walk up a massive hill. You reach the top and took out your binoculars. You see Vale just fine with out the binoculars, but you were looking for beacon. You notice all the way across vale there is a lake is looks just like Niagara falls from back home. You then see the academy, Which in your standards is absolutely HUGE. You needed to figure out how to get there with out creating too much attention. So you go back too your tank and go around the outskirts of Vale and stay on the edge of the lake were the land drops to the water. You the then cross two rivers at their shallow points to see a group of armed girls bickering.

*Just before your arrival Team RWBY's POV*

The team just got back from a field trip at forever fall forest (This segment is not part of the RWBY series)

Ruby: UUGGHHH i'm so tired

Weiss: quit your whining, you DUNCE!!

Yang: Now no need to get hot headed Weiss


Yang: uh Blake can you help me with her?

Blake: No

Yang: Weiss can you ple...

The commotion was cut short due too a growing rumble. The team looked to were the rumbling was coming from. Too have their sights meet a large group of vehicles and two metal behemoths roaring towards them. The team got in their defensive stances and waited for an attack, but an attack never came. The strange vehicles stopped right in front of the team. Then a hatch door was opened at the top to reveal a man.

your POV

(y/n): Excuse me ladies for interrupting, but do you know where professor Ozpin is? If so can you lead me to him?

???: w-who are you people?

(y/n):I'm sorry miss but i don't have time for explanations. Can you please tell me were Ozpin is? I'm here to negotiate with him.

???: S-sure f-follow m-me

You and the lieutenant get out of your tanks and take 4 guards with you. You ordered the tanks and the rest of the detachment to hold their positions at the front of the academy. You then follow these girls who you didn't even know the names of. when You reached what looks like a elevator leading to the professors office. The girl with dark hair and red tips stepped in and soon you and the lieutenant then stepped in. The rest stayed outside.

In Ozpin's office 3rd POV (before your arrival)

Ironwood: Ozpin i told you time and time again that we must strike back against the white fang and Grimm, and you proceed to do nothing.

Ozpin: General you good as well know if we attack them. They'll increases their attacks on us, not including on the civilian population.

Ironwood: You must understand Ozpin the attacks will get worst if we do nothing.

Ozpin: Who said we are not doing anything?

Ironwood: OH GOOD GOD OZPIN WOULD YOU LISTEN(slams his fist on Ozpins desk)

Ruby: um, excuse me sirs, but someone would like to see you

Ozpin: who is it Miss Rose?

Ruby: Him

Your POV

You and the lieutenant stood there with disappointed looks on your face's,Ruby gets an uneasy feeling and leaves. You walk forward and put out your hand too Ozpin, Who in turn grabs and shakes your hand.

Ozpin: Hello nice to meet you i'm professor Ozpin, Head master of beacon academy.

(y/n): i'm Colonel (y/n) (y/l/n) United states Marine corps

Ozpin: never heard of it where are you from?

(y/n): We're from a different world, a strange light brought us here.

Ozpin: hhhmmm, interesting. By the way this is General Ironwood, He is the head of the lead military of our world called...

(y/n): Atlas?

Ironwood:yes how did you...

(y/n): Your military is indeed powerful and well known

Ironwood: why thank you colonel

(y/n): But its the most cowardly army I've ever seen in my military career

Ironwood: How dare you? You don't even know what war is like.

(y/n): Your right, i don't know what war is like to have a bunch of pussies like you fighting it!! In my world a war is being faught. Not just any war though, A world war is going on its been going on for 4 years now, Me serving in all 4. seeing men and young boys sent to fight for their country and die one by one in front of me. Last I heard the there were 38 million casualties both civilian and military. So tell me General do you know what a mans war is like?

Ironwood: Why you little piece of...

Ozpin: General please step out I believe he came to see me not you.

The General ironwood stomps out of Ozpins office his face red with anger.

(y/n): Please excuse my behavior. I cant stand to be in a room with an asshole.

Ozpin: Your not the only one Colonel.

after hours of negotiation you told Ozpin about your regiment( yes i know that (Y/n) said not to tell them about the regiment, what i mean is don't tell atlas) but not where they're located. You also learned about this new world and whats in it. You ask to see if you and your men could stay a few nights and rest and you'll leave in a few days, Ozpin agreed. You and the lieutenant soon leave Ozpins office and walk towards the front entrance of the academy, but you ran into the girl from earlier in the day.

(y/n): I'm sorry miss I should've watched were I was going.

???: No it was my fault.

(y/n): By the way I didn't catch you name earlier.

???: My name is Ruby Rose, what's yours?

(y/n):I'm Colonel (y/n) (y/l/n) united states marine corps

Ruby: Oh, cool your the new people. Can i see your weapons ppppllleeeeaaaassseee.

(y/n): I'm sorry but no

Ruby: aaaaawwwww

(y/n): you now what let me think about it,but first you have to show me around

Ruby: Ok

She then starts showing you around the academy for the rest of the night talking while the guards and the lieutenant went back to the detachment.

A/n: Ok another chapter done with. Let me know how it was,give me any ideas for the story they're all ways welcome. That's it see you guys later. Bye

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