Chapter 8 part 2: New friends and a steel Titan

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F/n: Sir,they are wishing too... Um join sir


F/n: They want to join the corp sir

Winter: LT Winter schnee reporting for duty sir!!

Y/n: Oh dear god... Very well, basic training starts for your soldiers tomorrow morning,as for you miss schnee follow me you have a lot of explaining to do,and one more thing before I forget... Gunny

Marine sgt: Yes sir

Y/n: Have them place all their armor and communications in a large pile and give them proper uniforms.

Gunny: Will do sir. ALRIGHT!!! You Altes you heard the man! put your shit in a pile and follow Corporal Johnson too your quarters

Altesians: Yes sir!

Time skip 5 minutes

Winter:sir if I may ask,why are you having my men go through basic again?

Y/n: this training is no where like the training that you receive in your army. You have to learn how operate in a trench.

Winter: oh, when do i begin my training sir?

Y/n: you'll have to be trained separately for now Lieutenant. You'll then be placed back with your men after training... Understood?

Winter: Yes sir. If I may ask... who'll be my instructor sir?

Y/n: You're looking at him.

time skip 1 month

You stood in front of a table with a map of the locations of every white fang base in Vale. You then take a closer look at the map too see a extremely large sea port. After a few minutes of thinking you decided too call your staff too headquarters for an urgent meeting. Once the captain and Lt Col and Winter entered you started briefing them on the mission.

Y/n: There is a large sea port in the south east portion of Vale that is vital to the white fang... Winter if i understand correctly you should know about this?

Winter: Yes sir,the port is heavily fortified and has constant patrols circling it.

F/n: How do you know this Lieutenant?

Winter: When I was in the Altesian military,they would send us on recon every time something big happens in the area.

Richter: I see,if the area is as active as you say then we need too attack at night.

F/n: Yes,but if there is a herd of Grimm in the area our cover will be blown.

Richter: Indeed,so we must come up with a coordinated plan and not just run in guns shooting.

Y/n: I got a plan that just might work.

time skip till dusk

Y/n: ok do we know the plan?

F/n: Yes sir. Me and my men attack first from the north west causing a distraction with heavy machine gun and rifle fire too make them think we're coming in full force from the north west.

Winter: And i'll have my sharpshooters take out the men in the guard towers before hand and move in from the north.

Richter: Once they're distracted I'll move in from the south and attack from there gaining the rest of their attention.

Y/n: Then i'll rush through the main gate with tanks and motorized infantry from the west. Hopefully they won't notice us until its too late and we can breach through their defenses and dividing the base in two.

F/n: and i'll have men send up flairs to light the battlefield after your attack,too rule out friendly fire.

Y/n: Ok seems like we know our orders.

F/n: Lets do this.

Winter: Lets kick some ass.

Richter: Gott Mit Uns

Time skip one hour

Marine Sgt: Everyone is in position ma'am on your mark

Winter: Snipers weapons free.

The snipers shot the men in the watch towers and in the communications tower. Then it was the captains turn.


On queue 20 30cals and 260 (plus Winters soldiers) Marines opened fire. Too the south Richter ordered his men to open fire with 25 Maxim machine guns and 250 soldiers opened fire. After 25 minutes of non stop fighting. You ordered the convoy to advance. With 4 mark six land ships and 10 infantry transports each holding 20 Marines, in total 200 marines. Going full speed the land ships 76's blasted open the front gates and raced into the port mowing down any white fang in their way including some Mec's. Then the captain sent up some flares putting a white eerie light over the port. After an hour of fighting the white fang completely took by surprise surrendered.

Battle results

white fang casualties: 1,525

alive: 1,115

Marine and German casualties: 35

alive: 675

The next day you established communications between Base and the port. The port was given the name port Lawrence( After capt James Lawrence of the USS Chesapeake who's famous last words where"Don't give up the ship! Fight her till she sinks!" war of 1812). Also it has the navy's motto below"Non sibi sed patriae".

It is dawn and a large american flag is waving proudly over port Lawrence. After a few days of planing you had volunteers from neighboring villages and ex white fang workers start building a Wyoming class dreadnought.

You wanted the Marines too come up with a name so they came up with three names ( I would like you too choose out of these three)

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You wanted the Marines too come up with a name so they came up with three names ( I would like you too choose out of these three)

USS Victory

USS Absolution

USS Leviathan

A month later you turn too look out the window of your office too see the dreadnought being built. You proudly smiled too your self,excited too see her in action.

F/n: She isn't even built yet and she's already looking beautiful.

Y/n: Indeed she is captain...Indeed she is.

Y/n:* Mind* You better watch out White fang,because you fucked with the wrong army.

A/n: Ok this chapter is done with. I know I said I would update last week but,I had more problems run into me. Don't worry though i'm doing fine,the next chapter will come out sometime this weekend,but no promises just yet. One more thing is, You guys are awesome,supportive and helpful which I greatly appreciate. I never thought I would hit 1k readers so quick... Wow. Anyways vote on the name for the dreadnought and i'll let you know of the name next chapter. Semper Fi Marines.

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