-Chapter Twenty Five-

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"Home, sweet home." Andy said as he stepped into his apartment.

Behind him Lucy was busying herself going door to door and informing everyone of the get together. Andy closed the door behind him and was suddenly encased by the stench of old piss. Andy sighed and walked around and opened all of the windows. He stepped over the clatter that covered the floor and made his way into the bedroom. The bed was neatly made though it was contrasted by the numerous outfits and articles of clothing that were strewn about. He picked them up one by one, sorted out Lucy's clothes and folded each of Janice's old clothes and placed them back in the cardboard box in the wardrobe. He pulled her clothes off of their hangers and did the same until the box was just about full. He hefted it up and carried it out of the bedroom and onto the dining table. He circled the room and plucked all of the pictures of her from the walls. All except one. The one where her smile was the widest and her eyes were the brightest. Her eyes sparkled like bright green gems and her smile threatened to tear her face in twain with its width. He smiled and placed that back onto the counter. The other pictures held memories both fond and not but that picture was devoid of all but joy. He grabbed the other pictures and placed them on top of the clothes in the box. He pressed them down to depress the clothes and folded the flaps closed. He placed the box next to the front door of the apartment. As he turned to his messy apartment that now only slightly smelled like pee he let out a long sigh and started to clean up. Not long after he had cleaned up the living room did Lucy return. She let herself in and smiled at him then she started to help clean up.

"Everyone knows." Lucy said as she picked up a chair. "They seemed surprised but it sounds like everyone who's free is coming. Which seemed like everyone. Don't these people have jobs?"

"Most fey just prefer to collect disability than to frequently interact with humans." Andy said as he sprayed anti-smell deodorant onto his chair. "Mostly the old timers."

"But not you?" Lucy asked.

"But not me." Andy replied.

It took them well into the mid afternoon before the whole apartment was spotless. They stood by the front door and stared proudly at the pristine apartment. They also looked over themselves at their dirty damp clothing.

"Only two things left to clean." Andy said.

"We need to look good for our farewell party." Lucy said as she pulled her jumper off.

Andy felt the nervous flutterings of butterflies in his stomach after she spoke but he thought it best to bring it up later instead. They took showers in turn and Andy wore his favourite clothes, his beigest slacks and his burgundy sweater vest over a blue button up with a salmon plaid tie.

"Andy you just... You look awful. We need to find out if there are any old guy fashion mags. Because this is just a mess." Lucy said clad in the black evening dress she barely fit in. "We should bring some neck braces to the party though because I'm going to turning so many heads."

Lucy primped and preened herself as Andy straightened and tightened his tie in the bathroom mirror. He slipped into his loafers while Lucy put on a black pair of sneakers. She had put on black eyeliner and black nail polish for the special occasion and her swaggering steps reflected her significant confidence boost. Andy looked at the clock and it was time for them to leave. Andy picked up the box and then left the apartment. Out in the hallway Grodri waited for them.

"Let me get that Andy." He said as he scooped the box out of the old fey's hands.

Andy smiled and nodded his appreciation at him while Grodri winked back and held the box one handed over a shoulder. They reached the elevator and rode it to the first floor. Out in the foyer there were bands of people, families and couples alike who wore their sunday best. Mrs Nyugem was busy fixing up her son's little suits and Mrs O'Donovan was frantically attempting to control her small dog as it yipped and jumped over the people around her. Todd slapped Anthony's arm and they started a slow clap as the trio stepped towards the crowd. Slowly everyone started to clap and several people near the back cheered.

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