Chapter Seven

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I walk back into the large building I live in and thirteen people turn and looks at me.

"That's the runaway." I hear one of the boys whisper.

I mentally sigh and I walk out of the main room into one of the hallways. After walking for a bit I make it to my room. 

I push open the door and I step in. Trinity is dressed in her school uniform and she's reading a thick book. 

She turns and looks at me, "You know everyone is looking for you."

I shrug and I sit down on my bed, "Cool. I care so much."

"Was that sarcasm?" She asks closing her book.

"Nooooo." I say rolling my eyes.

She shakes her head, "Whatever. What's your power?"

I shrug, "I'm not saying."

She stands up, "Fine. I'll make you tell me."

She smiles at me and bats her eye lashes, "Tell me your power."

Aw she has cute little dimples!

I yawn, "Nope."

She jumps back, "Wait why didn't that work?! Is that your power?"

I look down at the bracelet and I smile, it does work, "Nope not even closeee."

She sighs biting her lower lip.

"What's your power?" I ask messing with the bed sheet.

She sits down at her desk pouting, "I can make any girl fall in love with me."

I nod, "That's pretty cool."

There's a knock at the door so Trinity get up and answers it.

Mr Alon and Kyo walk in looking at me annoyed.

Kyo sighs, "Where did you go?"

"The bathroom?" I say pulling on a confused face.

"We checked the bathrooms Autumn. You weren't in there." Kyo says leaning againt the wall.

"Hmm well I guess you should get better at searching them because I was in them the entire time." I say shrugging.

I personally hope that he never asks the people down stairs in the main area because they all know I was outside.

Mr. Alon leans in and whispers something to Kyo. Kyo turns and looks at me. It's the same look as when he read my mind when I woke up in that room. He's trying to read my mind. I don't particularly think he can read my mind because his eyes desperately jerk around. 

Kyo leans in and whispers something to Mr. Alon, I'm guessing he's saying that he can't read my mind or he read my mind and now I'm screwed. 

"Fine. There's no way to prove you left the building so get dressed and go have breakfast." 

I walk as they both turn around and leave the room closing the door behind them. 

I begin pulling off my shoes and then my pants before pulling on the skirt that reaches about three inches above the knee. I put my shoes back on because why not.

I fix my hair in the mirror before just examining myself. My hair is pulled up in a medium sized pony tail in the back and my bangs are hanging from the sides of my head, my hair isn't as long as Trinity's but it's not short enough to call be a boy. My light brown hair makes my light grey eyes pop out more. I have medium sized gauges and snake bites that my dad made me get. I don't really know why though.

"So what's for breakfast?" I ask shoving my jeans, the white sneakers, and the polo under my bed. I don't have a dresser to put them in.

She shrugs, "We have four buffet tables that serve different foods everyday. We could be having eggs and bacon, or pop tarts, or even grilled fish. It's basically a way to keep us from wanting to leave."

"Bribery yay!" I say sarcastically.

It would be a lie if I said I wasn't excited to see all the food. The last thing I ate was ice cream almost twelve hours ago. I don't think I've ever actually seen a buffet table in person. I guess there's a first time for everything.

I fold my schedule and I shove it into the small pocket on my sweater before exiting the room with Trinity following me.

"So where's breakfast?" I ask trying to think back if I've seen a canteen. 

She rolls her eyes and she steps in front of me, "I'll take you."

I follow her down some stairs and into the main room before following her through a large arch into a huge with with loads of tables and other kids. 

Trinity wasn't lying, the food tables are amazing! There's foods from omelets, to bagels, to croissants, to an assortment of meats, and even pancakes! I can't help feeling really excited! This is the most prepared food I've seen in a single room my entire life!

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