Chapter Thirty Four

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I wake up the next day by someone shaking me and saying my name. I groan falling out of bed onto someone who jumps back quickly.

I flip over so I'm lying on my back and I try breathing a bit. I've gotten my breath taken away many times by my dad but not recently. 

Ra tosses something on me making me groan lightly. I lean up a bit and I look at it for a moment before grabbing it and hugging it.

"I went and I got you a real teddy bear." Ra says pulling on his black school blazer.

I set it down on my top bunk, "His name is Mr Teddy."

Brandon gets up from his bunk and he looks at me disgusted, "How old are you?"

Ra shoots him a look before turning to me, "I think it's a cute name Autumn."

Red pulls on a white jumper, "I think Mr Teddy should be the president of this classroom, I think he's the most responsible one here and he'll probably make taco Tuesday a thing."

Brandon rolls his eyes as he reaches under his bunk and grabs his books bag before walking past us out the door.

"Don't worry Brandon is only mean ninety percent of the time." Ra says running a hair brush through his hair.

I nod before grabbing a brush out of the junk I kept on my cabinet. I brush my knotted hair before pulling it into a messy pony tail.

"Are classes in the morning or the afternoon today?"

Ra goes to say something but Red cuts in, "Morning classes are canceled. There's gonna be an assembly about yesterday's incident."

Ra begins to walk out of the room so I follow him. When we reach the canteen Ra and I walk over to the food table.

"Just oatmeal..." I say grabbing a bowl of the maple and brown sugar oatmeal.

Ra grabs a bowl of the plain one, "Its one way the school is punishing us for yesterday but jokes on them I love oatmeal."

I giggle, "It's not that I don't like oatmeal but I was hoping there would some fruit or something."

Ra grabs two spoons from a container on the table before making his way to the table we always sit at. I watch him for a moment before making my way over to the table. I sit down next to him and I mess around with my lip piercing. 

Ra hands me one of the spoons before going ham on his oatmeal.

"Why were you so angry with me when I first got here and a bit after?"

Ra sets his spoon down, "I guess I was kinda angry that you didn't remember me and I remembered you."

I nod before taking a small spoonful of gross cold oatmeal in my mouth. 

"Everyone report to the auditorium in five minutes. I repeat everyone report to the auditorium in five minutes." Someone says over the intercom.

Ra gets up, "Well that's our cue to leave."

I stand up, "But there's five minutes left."

He shakes his head, "No, we're not going to the assembly. if you sleep in the danger room you can't go to assemblies. You haven't read the rule book yet have you?"

I shake my head, "Nope and I don't plan too."

Ra just smirks and shakes his head.

As we're walking out of the canteen Red, Brandon, and a large boy I haven't really met yet. The large boy has short messy dirty blonde hair, dark green eyes, chubby cheeks, and he's eating a snicker's bar.

He looks at me for a moment before going back to eating his candy so Ra laughs, "That's Greg."

Greg mutters something along the lines of hi before we go to walk out of the canteen.

I follow the boys all around the school and into a classroom near the top of the building. When we walk in we're greeted by Mr Smith the dean of punishment who's sitting at the front of the classroom with his head in a thick book.

He looks up once when we get near his book but he just goes back to reading.

Ra, Red, and I walk over and they sit down on top of the desks near the windows and Greg sits at the back of the classroom. I watch as Greg empties his pockets onto the desks. There's like forty different candy bars.

Ra smirks, "Greg's like the hookup for candy although if you don't get to him fast enough he'll probably eat it."

"Why is he in here?" I ask sitting down in one of the desk near Ra.

Ra glances back at Greg before looking at us, "He's a danger student too but they let him stay in his own room because he's a pretty good kid."

 "So there's other dangerous student's?" 

Ra nods, "Only one though but no one really know's who it is."

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