The Boys On Mars

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Living in a small town isn't easy, everyone knows everyone and secrets are hard to keep. This is why I try my best to keep to myself. I hardly talk to anyone and whenever I do talk it's always a friendly hello. I walk outside my small house to grab the newspaper. No I don't ever read the news paper, however I save them, and wait for a full moon, then I put them in a big bucket, take it to my back yard and watch it burn, I know this may seem weird, but I love the smell of paper burning.

"Raynia! did you hear the news!"  My next door neighbor, Shawnda says to me. I shake my head no and go to walk into my house. " Hey wait! I know you don't like gossip but this is really good!" She yells with excitement. I really don't want to hear about it, but I know if I don't listen, she will keep bothering me until I do.

"Okay I'll give, what is it?" I ask even though I'm sure I still don't sound like I'm interested in hearing about it. She doesn't seem to notice however, considering she comes up on my porch and sits down in one of my plastic chairs. Shawnda is a really pretty girl. She has a dark brown skin collor and her eyes are golden. She is really thin, too, like she doesn't get enough to eat. 

"Okay" she smiles as she begins her story. "So there is this new guy who just moved here and his name is Julian" My eyes drop.. Julians back.. of course none of the town would remember him, but I could never forget him. We had met when I was thirteen I was playing in the woods, running through the trees when I literaly knocked him down. 

"Sorry I didn't see you" I had said. 

"it's you" I gave him this weird look

"have we met before?" he nodds his head, 

"yeah, but in a diffrent time." I had no clue what he had been talking about and until this very day I still am clueless.

"Anyways" Shawnda said bringing me back to the present. "he said 'I'm here to bring Raynia Romania to my town' " she said. that caught my attention. "so I have to bring you to him so please come with me, I really need the money Raynia I'm in debt" 

I started for my door but then I stopped when I saw Julian. He was sexier than I remembered. He had blonde shaggy hair with green eyes, he looked tall and muscular like he kept in shape. My heart pounded in my chest. "Julian" I said. He nodded his head with a big smile. 

"I have come to bring you home with me, you are my Queen." I was extreamly confused by everything he said. I was just a peasant. Wait.. where did that come from. It was like I was remembering when I was a peasant and I met julian, but it wasn't from this life, it was from a past life. Something very strange was going on here and it all had to do with Julian.

Four hours later and were on a plane back to Julians home town. I had been quiet the whole time and I havent spoken a word to him at all. "you've been silent" Julian says to me. "{ I know you have a lot of questions but just bare with me and in time they will all get answered." I just nodded my head even though I wasn't so sure about any of this. I felt like all of this was a really strange dream and that I was going to wake up really soon. I especially freaked out when we got off the plane only to get in a space ship and travel to Mars.

"Okay will you give me a little information on why the hell we traveled to another planet!" I yelled while starting to have a panic attack. what if his whole goal in life was to kill me.

He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Okay the truth is, were aliens, we were born on Mars and i've spent many life times trying to find you and bring you back home, and I am not about to lose you again." and with that he kissed me. This wasn't just any normal kiss it was orgasmic. The kiss lit my body on fire and I felt like we had just got done having sex, when he ended the kiss. My body trembled from the way his kiss had made me feel. I wonder how sex with him must feel. if a kiss feels like that. Ugh snap out of it Raynia, your here for information, not to lust over Julian.

Julian brought me to a huge castle, where knights with swords guarded the entrance. when I approached they all bowed down to me like I was some Goddess. When Julian waved his hand, they stood back up. "My queen" one of the knights spoke "The kingdom has missed you a great deal." I felt my face blush but all I could do was smile.

The doors opened and we walked through the entrance. The walls were gold and the floors were made of diamonds. I was in awe at this beautiful place, it was almost like heaven.

"Julian.. are you the king?" I asked him seeing as how  I am the Queen.

Julien smiles but sadly shakes his head no. "I am only one of your guards, I am the main one, I stand by your side and protect you from harm."

"arn't I married, Julien" I ask, thinking that in order for me to be queen i would have had to be married to a king.  

"No, my Queen" he answers simply.

"Is it not allowed?" I ask, he smiles from all my questions.

"You once told me, my Queen, is 'why should I pick one when I can have many' " Julien says, using quotation marks with his fingers.

"Good God! I sound like a whore!" I exclaimed.

Julien gave me this look and pulled my chin up so that I was looking at him. "Do not say that, my love, it is just that you have so much love in your heart, that to love just one, would be unheard of." I had never thought of it like that but I supposed he was right. 

"And one more question Julien" I say. He smiles at me but waits for me to continue " are you one of my lovers?" I hoped he would say yes.

He looks really sad when he answers but says "No, you have never chosen me, you say I am like a brother and it would be weird."

"Do you feel the same way Julien?" he looks up at me as if he isn't sure he should answer but he does anyway.

"I only want, whatever you want" I felt tears start to form in my eyes but i shake it off. it isn't his fault it is my own. 

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