::Chapter 2:: The Boys On Mars

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Juliens POV

All of Raynias questions were really starting to hurt my heart. I was in love with my Queen and I didn't want anyone else to have her. Living on earth had made her loose all of her memories and even though I know I shouldn't be, I was kind of happy about it. She's got another chance to start over fresh and new and perhaps be a better queen, instead of the cold hearted Queen she was when she was kidnapped. However, I was still looking for the person who had kidnapped her. I walked Raynia to her room but before I could leave, she touched my arm. 

"Please stay wit me Julian, I don't want to be alone"

I nodded my head and crawled next to her in the bed. she leaned her head against my chest. "Julien, tell me what you meant when we were younger, you said you had met me in another life" I smiled. I didn't care about anything as long as Raynia was okay.

"Okay well on our planet there is no such thing as death. We arn't immortal or nothing, we die, but we are always reborn, and in every life we have always been reborn around the same time" I watched her face as she processed what I was saying.

"Wait so, is it not normal for me and you to be reborn at the same time?" she asked.

"No, usually when you die you get reborn but no one really knows when you will get reborn again, but every life me and you have always been born around the same time" She smiles and closes her eyes.

"I'm glad Julien" I smiled at her words

Raynias Pov

I woke up, startled at my surrounding and then I remembered where I was. I had thought last night was just a really crazy dream, but it wasn't a dream at all. I looked next to me but Julien wasn't there. He must have left when I fell asleep. I hoped he wasn't far, but it was foolish of me to think such thoughts, I guess he was only one of my guards, only there to protect me and nothing else. He only thought of me as a sister i guess. There was a knock at the door so I got up  out of the empty bed to answer it. A tall man with dark brown hair and green eyes was standing before me. He had on a black shirt and tight jeans. I knew his name to be Gabriel. But how I knew his name, I didn't know. Maybe I was remembering things from my past life like I had with Julien.

"Raynia, I see you are awake" he said. His voice was very deep. He walked into the room shutting the door behind him. there was something about him that i couldn't quite place. 

"Obviously" I say to him. for some reason, I felt I had to be sarcastic with him. strange. He smirked at me.

"You may fool everyone else, but i know better, you remember everything so stop pretending"

It really made me mad that he thought I was lieing. "Look Gabriel, I don't know anything other than what Julien has been telling me." he raised his eye  brow up at me then walked closer to me so that he was about only a couple of centimeters away from me. 

"Don't try that shit with me!" he growled. He pushed me up against the wall then bent his head down and kissed my neck. A tingling sensation went through my entire body. I moaned. "I know your secret Rayniaella"  he whispered in my ear. 

I didn't know what he was talking about but it made my body shiver like it was a bad secret. I pulled away from his tight grasp. 

"and what secret is that?" I asked. He laughed and pulled on my arm pushing me back up against the wall.

"don't worry, I won't tell anyone, you are lucky she hasn't been reborn yet, or else she would have your head, but don't worry, I plan to havge fun fighting her to protect you my Queen." he gave me this evil smile. Now i was even more confused than I was earlier. What the hell was he talking about? someone who wanted to kill me that much I caught on but other than that I was clueless. Obviously in my past life I had pissed someone off enough for them to want to take my life.

"Is everything okay?" Julien asked from the doorway, Gabe let go of my arm and nodded his head. 

"yeah just thought I would get reaquainted with our Queen, I heard she had a memory loss" Gabe said calmly. he acted differently now that Julien was here, maybe julien was his boss or something. Gabe left the room. 

Julien came over to me with a worried expression in his face. "i'm fine" I say to him but more to my benefit. Julien nodded his head. I hugged him to me. I don't know why, but I felt safer with Julien here. at least he was nice to me. Gabe wasn't he was very rude. I wondered what kind of relationship me and Gabe have had in a past life. I decided I would ask Julien. Julien walked me down to the dinning room. It looked as big as a restaurant in the place we sat down and ordered something from the chef.

"Hey Julien how well did I know Gabriel?" he looked stunned at my question. A waitress came over and poured us some coffee, Julien took a small sip from the mug, not wanting to burn his lips, i guessed. 

"you and Gabriel have been really good friends for a long time, I think that's because he's the only guy I know that refuses to obey your laws however if you ask him to do something he will do as you wish  because he has respect for you which is why I think you haven't killed him yet" Julen laughed at the last part. hmm. so Gave is still a mystery to me but the way he kissed my neck earlier I would guess that he had been more than a friend to me but no one else knew of it and i found this piece of information very interesting. 

We finished lunch and I followed Julien out to the garden. "Wow, it's beautiful out here" Julien smiled at me. There were flowers of almost every color and there were all kinds of trees. 

"Hey Julien?" I asked


I wasn't sure if i should ask him or not. I felt embarassed by my question but I asked him anyways. "would it be inappropriate if I ask for another kiss?" He shook his head noand for a second I had thought he meant that no he wasn't going to kiss me. but before I can think any furthur about it, he leans into me and brushes his lips against mine. The warm contact makes me blush. like before my body seems to go through one orgasmic feeling to the next and I want more. I press my tongue against his lips and he opens wider inviting me in. My tongue explores his mouth causing even more pleasure for me. I think he feels it too because he groans really loudly. I pull away with my face really red from all of the excitement of the kiss. 

"that was amazing" I say. he smiles at me. "why does kissing you make me feel like we just had sex or something" I knew that this question sounded kind of weird but I had to know.

"It doesn't, Sex is much more.. intense" he said which made me excited. Now I kind of understood why, in my past life I took so many lovers, not that I thought that was a good thing but..

"Have you ever had sex?" I asked but knowing he probably has, I mean look at him, he looks like a model. I wonder how big his.. Snap out of it!

"Oh" I say. I couldn't  seem to think of anything else to say. They were lucky and it made me jealous that he looks at someone like that but only sees me as a sister.

"well whoever it was they were lucky" he gave me this shocking look but didn't say anything else about it.

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