::Chapter 6:: The Boys On Mars

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Gabriels POV

The meeting seemed to go well. After gathering all of the guardians in an oversized sound proof room, we discussed whether or not we should take down the planet Venus once and for all. One thing that didn't feel right to me, was how planet Venus had seemed to rebuild itself. We had destroyed there entire planet and everything on it was blown up.. unless some of them had flown to a different planet and waited until we were at our most vulrable point. Thats when it just dawned on me. What better way to take over planet mars, than to go after the Queen when she has no memories of our planet and the secrets it holds.

walking back to the Queens room I ran into jess. I helped her pick up the books I had accidently knocked over by running into her. "so sorry" she says in a frightened voice like she was scared of me or something. 

"whatever" I say and walk off. I couldn't stand that girl, she was an annoyance that I wasn't about to deal with.  I didn't bother knocking when I found the Queens door. I just opened it. She let out a high pitched scream when I found she was naked trying to get into her night clothes. 

"Gabriel! mustn't you knock!" She does her best to try and cover herself but it does not work. I walk over and help her with her night gown.

"sorry my queen, but i've already seen you naked before, no need to feel embarassed." I laughed as she blushed a crimson red. My words must have just embarassed her more. 

"shut up, I am not what I was before Gabriel, I am a new person" If only she knew how true those words were. 

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her lips. I felt her body react to mine right away. I pulled away. I did not mean to feel these feelings for her. I have never felt anything for anyone so why was I feeling for her now? 

"Gabriel, do you hate me so?" Raynia asked with the most sad look I had ever seen in her eyes.

"What, of course not why would you think such things" I cross my arms against my chest. What thing had I done to cause her to think or feel that way. whatever it was I must surely erase such thoughts.

"you always pull away from me whenever your with me, are we not friends?" 

I let out a deep sigh. " We are not friends, you are my Queen." 

"Is that all I will ever be to you Gabe?" I look into the depth of her eyes and see confusion, sadness, and rejection. Thats what all this was about. She felt like I was rejecting her. Well, was I? Not on purpose but I know that once she gets her memories back.. Well she will not feel this way for me not when she learns all the secrets that I have been holding back. 


I storm out of her room with that. I could never tell her how I truely felt about her, how every single day I want to be with her and I want to wake up next to her, she could never know. 

Raynia's pov

My heart felt like it had just been ripped out of my chest, I felt like no one wanted me. Maybe I was truly ugly. Perhaps I was nothing better than being a leader. Maybe that was why I was a leader in the first place. I wanted something more and I didn't want war or destruction which i knew came with the territory of being a Queen. I didn't want to have people trying to protect me from bad or evil things that lerked in the shadows. I no longer wanted to live on this planet called Mars. Earth was so much easier. Oh how I missed it. 

If it was death that would send me back to earth, then death was what I must seek. I was damn well tired of all of this heart ache. If no one wanted me then no one would get me. I walked down to the kitchen and found a knife. I placed it where my heart was located. Earlier I had sent a letter out to both Julien and Gabriel. I heard foot steps in the hall and waited for whomever it was. 

It was both Julien and Gabriel standing before me. 

"Raynia!" Gabriel snarled. "don't you dare" 

"Oh i think I dare, very much so. No one could love me look at me! I am hideous. So hideous neither of you want me nor could ever love me. I am done with this planet good bye my loves."  

 Another set of foot steps aproaches. "Do not, Queen, for you will kill the baby!"

"what baby? who are you??" I ask at a really short old man.

"He is a seeker, he tells of the future and the present and the past. He cannot lie." Gabriel said. 

"tis a baby you have inside of you, that is destined to be the savior of our planet" the seeker announced.

"what are you talking about, I have not had sex"

"You do not have sex to reproduce, you only kiss" Julien says. 

"Then who is the father.. and it would have been too soon to know anyways so how will I know if you are telling the truth."

"It only takes 4 weeks for women to have a baby on our planet" the seeker announces.

"then who is the father I have only kissed Julien and Gabriel since I have been here" I say.

"I will run some tests and find out for you, I will need a dna sample from both of you guys" he says to gabe and julien.

"fine" the both say.

Gabriel takes the knife from me and grabs my hand.

I reluctantly let go of the knife. how could women have babies so soon it was impossible wasn't it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2012 ⏰

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