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"so what colleges have you applied for" sinu asked hunter as they ate dinner. hunter chewed her food before replying

"i applied for florida university and a few colleges in texas"

camila sat there playing with her food listening to the conversation. when her mom said come down for dinner, she was not aware that liam hemsworth would be in her house. let alone the same room as her.

"have you ever thought about trying to attend schools that aid your condition" alejandro spoke this time.

camila looked up from her plate confused as to what her father meant by 'condition'.

"her father and i keep trying to convince her that a school like that would be better" hunter shook her head at her uncles comment.

"i don't need to go to a special school, i'm fine and will do fine at any normal school" she said for what felt like the hundredth time. her uncles and father were always going on about this topic. it bothered her.

"camila, i heard you were a famous pop star" liam said changing the subject. camila instantly felt her cheeks warm up at this comment.

"you could call it that" she said not wanting to sound cocky. camila hated when people were too confident about what they do.

hunter listened to the conversation intently. sofia had always talked about how much she missed her sister. now she knows why.

that is how the rest of dinner went, conversation amongst the six, everyone talking here and there.

"thank you sinu and alejandro for inviting us for dinner" liam said as the two walked out the door.

"oh no problem, you guys are always welcome" sinu waved them off.

"cmon hunter, we gotta get you ready for tomorrow" liam grabbed hunters hand walking across the street to their own house.

camila watched them walk across the street. she still wondered about this girl, where did she come from? and why is she drawn to her?


"karla, despertarse and get dressed" sinu said opening her bedroom door. camila groaned, the whole point of being off tour was to get rest.

"i need you to go get a few things from the store. and see if hunter wants to go with you" sinu instructed her.

"mami it's not even noon yet" camila complained. sinu waved her off telling her to go. she took the keys walking out the door.

"and don't forget to ask hunter if she wants to come with you" she heard her mom yell before shutting the door. camila huffed walking across the street. she rang the doorbell fiddling with her fingers.

"hello" she looked up to find hunter standing there. with no glasses. her eyes were a grayish blue color.

"look if this is some-"

"no no no, sorry. my mom told me to go grab some things from the store and i figured i'd ask if you want to tag along" camila interrupted her.

hunter furrowed her eyebrows trying to recognize the voice. "i'm sorry, who are you"

camila furrowed her eyebrows confused. she was standing right in front of her. "camila, sofi's sister"

"oh okay, sorry. i'm blind and i couldn't recognize the voice" hunter explained. then it clicked for camila, the reason why she didn't look up at her at the coffee shop, what her dad meant by 'her condition'. it all makes sense.

"let me just go grab a hoodie and i'll be right out" hunter said before walking back further into the house.

camila stood there waiting for the taller girl.

"okay i'm ready" she came outside in a nike hoodie and some joggers. camila turned around and started walking towards the car.

"uhm" hunter said standing there. camila turned around realizing she needed help. she grabbed her arm and started leading them towards the car.

"so pop star, why did you ask me to come along" hunter asked once they were settled in the vehicle. camila looked over at the girl noticing she had her glasses on.

"did you just call me pop star" camila questioned

"no i called you pop tart" hunter smiled at her joke. "haha very funny" camila rolled her eyes.

"thank you" hunter smiled goofily. camila found herself smiling as well.

"where exactly are we going again" hunter asked the cuban in the drivers seat. "the supermarket"

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