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The police flood Alesia's home. Staring at the flipped sofa, and broken coffee table lying in the blood that pours from Daniel's motionless body. Wide, blank eyes stare back at the photographer as he documents the all but decapitated head with a thin strip of flesh that connect sit to the body. Some of the men turn away from the sight when the coroner comes to collect the dead, rubbing the back of their heads and staring at the dark haired girl still on the floor, clutching her mother's hand.

Alesia would have to, if she could wrap her mind around the reality of the situation. The screams continue to play in her mind, vaguely remembering that a person's head will remain conscious for several minutes after being cut off. Is that even true? Did Daniel feel every bit of the pain that he deserved?

Alesia tenses when a paramedic comes forward, her nails cutting into her mother's as she clings to the unconscious woman. He slows at her response, kneeling down so that they are eye lever as he explains that they want to take her mom to the hospital.

To help. Ensure that she continues living.

Alesia doesn't know the man, but the kind eyes mixed with the sprinkle of gray in his hair says he's trust worthy. That he knows what he's doing. She hopes. Slowly, she stands and the man leads her out of the house as others rush in. Assessing her mother and placing her on a gurney that Alesia follows to the back of an ambulance.

Preparing for a long night in an emergency room with no sleep when a hand grabs her elbow and pulls her back. An officer with sympathetic smile clears his throat and looks back to another officer.

A superior, possibly, that nods and the man turns back to her,motioning toward the police cruiser. "We need you to come with us."

Alesia shakes, fear choking her up as the possible scenarios play through her mind. She didn't do anything. She sat on the floor,  waiting for a killer to pull the trigger when a beasts stormed into her house.

She says none of these though. Who would believe her?

"Please, we have some questions."

Sighing, Alesia nods, following the man to escort to the car. She scans the crowd, freezing when Mr. Hale when their eye meet. Harold is thereto, speaking with one of the officers. Alesia can't make out the words as he nods in agreement at something the man is saying when Mr.Hale interrupts their conversation.

A hand presses down on Aleisa's head, forcing her into the car just as Mr. Hale scream out, "she's a child not a murderer."

His words are cut off, and Alesia swallows a lump in her throat.

** *

The interrogation room is cold and dark. Alesia sits, unsure how much time has passed, and hyperventilating over the thought of being blamed for Daniel's death.

Not that she isn't thankful for his death, but she doesn't want to be put behind bars for it either. The police officer sitting across the table stares as she tries to control her emotions; knowing either the truth or a lie will get her locked up for who knows how long.

"Ms. Sykes, you have to tell us something." The officer leans in close,resting his hand's inches from Alesia's. Instinctively, she pulls away, eyes lowering to her lap as she tries to think of the something that will get her out of this.

Harold and another man dressed in a dark suit and wide brimmed glasses come barging into the room. The strange man places a brief case on to the table, pulling out various papers.

"She doesn't have to answer anything." He gives the cop a quick once over before pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. "In fact, as a minor she shouldn't have been in here unless a lawyer was present for her defense."

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