Chapter fifteen

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I parked the car and me and shawn got out of the car and we walked up to the police officer "sorry for your loss ma'am im sure she was a great friend" he said and he bowed his head in respect,i was wondering what he meant so i turned my head to see what he was talking about and there esme was nailed to the wall with her heart nailed next to her i looked at the police man and wondered how he knew she was my friend then it clicked in my head that he was one of the spies so i grabbed my gun and out the slincer on it and shot him andhe fell to the floor lifeless and everyone screamed and then it all seemed to go in slow motion.I saw the note taped under esmes heart so i walked over and it read :

'Babydoll youre probably wondering how i knew that girl was your bestie well lets just say i have my resources in your little school so sweetie be careful because il be keeping an eye on you well i have to go now bye sweet cheeks xx'

I read the note with anger.I crumpled and threw it on the floor and stamped on it and shawn saw me and saw esme plastered and wrapped his and i instantly calmed down i said "i wanna go home shawn im not in the mood for shopping now but if we have to we will just go later " "thats fine leigh lets go back home and then we can go back to bed dont worry about our date we can postpone it " he said to me "no its ok i like the first part but i still wanna go on the date with you it will help get my mind off of things" i said to him and we went home and as soon as i got in i went numb and i couldnt feel anything, no emotions and when shawn put his arm around me i didnt feel it i told him i was going to sleep and i left the room wondering when thios torture was going to end

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