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'Kendall Anderson'

'Where am I, it's very dark in here. April, dad. Can anybody hear me!?'

"... Ms. Anderson will be alright. She just needs to stay at home for same days; to take it easy. She has suffered from exhortation" I had one male voice say. Then the next voice;" Thank you doctor, I'll make sure she gets all the reset she needs" I had something that sounded like the door opening and closing

After same time the feeling of someone's worm hand on top of my mine was a die give away

The person's hands; covered my whole hand. Making my hand seem small, which they are already. "Am so sorry Kendall, I did not know you were feeling like this, I know I should have stopped. Seeing you suffer was never my intrusion, and now because of me you in here"

The person's voices sound so familiar. Focusing my eyes to finally open; my eyes came in content with a white room. I am on a bed, a hospital bed. I had to blink my eyes a couple of times so they can get used to the sadden change

Following the hand from my hand up. You would not believe who was on the end of it

The Axel Knight

He was holding my hand, his soft hand was covering mine. Realization finally hit me when I remember that I am in a hospital bed with an air mask on my face

As a try to remove it, a soft cry excerpts my lips causing Axel to have the most adorable concerned facial expression ever. Wait did I just say adorable, never mind that never happened. You heard nothing.

"Kendall, wait I'll help you" he quickly gets up from his sit and remove the air mask on my face. "Mr. Knight what are you doing here, but the most important question is; what am I doing here?"

He rubs the back of his neck, looking equally nourves and adorable at the same time. Okay I really need to stop with this adorable thing going on

"Call me Axel" what the what what, as soon as he says that all the memories from when I was in the office came back like a flood, on how I was to busy doing other people's work " Mr. Knight is more preferable sir" drop it like it's hot girl. After all the shit he put me through, if I had a lawyer he'd be hearing it from them

"Okay, well you see. I got a call from the society at the office saying; they found you on the office floor unconscious. So I rushed back to the office and took you to the hospital, the doctor said you were just exhorted from over working and you need to take if easy from now on"

He better be joking, "How can I take it easy, when I have due dates for the work you give me" I was almost shouting the information down his throat. "Again I am very sorry about that, I have learned from my mistake it will not ever happen again"

Agg, what ever, "Can I go home now, wait what is the time first?" I have something that needs to be put up for a presentation. "One you are no longer stammering, two it is past seven in the morning and three, you will get discharged when the doctor comes back to do same check ups"

I had not realize that I was not stammering around him anymore, and when he told me a deep red colour makes its way to my cheeks coursing me to blash.


fter the doctor did a few check ups he discharged me saying today and tomorrow I should not work, but knowing my boss I know I will be going to work. And can you believe he was holding my hand the whole time, when I asked to let go, he said and I quote 'I don't want too, your hand is so soft'

Yes he called my hand soft que fun-girl screams, okay I get it his hot and all but his also rude, cold and his the main reason why I was in the hospital I'm the first place. "Where is your house?" My train of thoughts are stopped when Axel spoke above the silence.

I tell him my address, and go back to watching the city unfold. We are in Axels car, and I quote again 'I will not let you walk or grab a ceb' I wonder why his so fixated on ever thing I did this morning, he must have woken up on the right of the bed

When we reach my apartment building, the look on Axels face was of disgust, I am guessing he has never been poor, okay maybe my poor goes a little over, so what. "You are not going back there" then where Wil I go,

"I...I live here, where do y..you expect me to leave then?" Yes the stemming is back, the is something about him that makes me unease, maybe it's the fire within him, maybe.

"From now on, you do not live here, I will not have you..any of my employees staying at a place like this" what!? He better be kidding with me, I cannot move from here, it is all that I can afford.

"With all the respect I have, I will not move, this is the cheapest place I can afford" the look on his face is something of determination "You are moving and that is final, drive" While that escalated quickly. I fold my arms like a little girl, who's parent's had said no to candy

"I do not like you" I said it in a child's voice as I talk to myself but I think he had me because he put his phone away and faced me, that's when I notice the close apromex. "I will teach you how to love again" what does he mean 'again?', I've  never loved him from day one

I get it, he looks like a Greek God and all, plus his skin is so perfect like he baths with milk, and I have once or twice though of kissing those pink lips but I know I have not once loved him, period.

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