14//L O O K S

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'Kendall Anderson'

Axel leads me throw the double door of the place. "Good evaging, do you have a table?"

"Yes, under A. Knight" the lady right in front of us now is about to explode with so much joy, bitçh hold yourself

As we talk to our table , I could not help but notice all the women in here eyeing Axel, it is kinda sad knowing he does not look at me like he looks at other woman but then again his not mine so I should no get upset.

Finally we reach a table next to the window, and may I just say the view from here is amazing "Why did you wear that dress?" What is he talking about now. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me" Rude Axel is back I see "What is wrong with my dress?" Last time I checked you were eye rapping me not so long ago. "Every man in here is eyeing what's mine" wait back-up a bit, did I just hear this right or my ears playing games with me, again."What is yours mhmm" I say as I fold my hands in a cross. "Yes what is mine" I nod my head as a blash crepes its way onto my cheeks. I pick up my menu but notice Axel staring at me

"Why are you looking at me like that. Is there something on my face?" Axel Chuckles at my out loud. "I have known you for three almost four weeks now but I do not really know you, expect your name, profession, money issues and temper"

"Woah I do not have a temper" I do not or maybe that is what I keep telling myself "Oh you have a temper and the biggest one I've ever seen"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" the waiter comes and puts a bottle of champagne on the table. Noticing how the waiter is eyeing me I began to become uncomfortable in my seat and I thank Axel noticed it to "If you still want to keep your job you would get back to work right now"

The waiter nodded his head in fear and went back to what ever hole he came out of. "So tell me about yourself?" I am snapped back to reality. "About myself? The is nothing to tell, I've lived with my dad for most of my life, mother never really was there and now here I am. Nothing big"

"What happened with your mother?" I knew it, sooner or later someone would ask about my mother. "I am not ready to talk about her" nodding in understanding he picks up his menu. After some time I ask him. "What about you?" he looks up from the menu with a confused expression "I mean how did the great Axel Knight come to be?"

"Well I grow up from the rich side and the company was past down to me from my father and he got the company from my grandfather so yeah" So he grew up in money, looks like he does not know about struggling. After some time of silence the waiter comes to take our orders "We will both have the chief's best choice" the waiter nods and goes back. "How do you know I was not going to order my own food?"

"Because I could see you do not know half those dishes" well he got that right "Let's do a 'Q n A' game?", like 21 questions, I mast have said that out load because he said yeah. Wow I have never thought he would know that game, he looks like he was a nerd in school. Look who's talking "Ok I will go first-" he nods his head "-What is your favourite colour?" The look on his face is priceless, it is like someone told him that they where afriad of butterfly's or something

"Really, is that what you are going to use your first question on" nodding my head he clears his throat. "Gray and yours " Gray, his so boring

"Baby blue, next question" he puts on the cutest thinking face I have ever seen

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Almost choking on my water I look at Axel who looks like his not joking at all. "N-no" struggle to say the word properly. Nodding his head like it was nothing, the naive this guy has, acting like he did not just ask an out of comfort zone question

After a lot of personal questions that Axel kept on asking me like am I still a vegan; no. or would I strip; maybe, but the most shocking one was would I have office sex with someone in the office and who.

Of course I said no because who would tell they boss they would have office sex on top of it with him, the is no denying it that I would like to have sex with my boss, I mean look at him what wamen in her right mind would not but I was not gonna say that "You have one last question, use it wisely Mr. Knight" thank the heavens we are at his last question, I felt like I was in an integration room with the light on my face and my heads chained to the sit

"Okay Ms. Anderson my last question is. When you look at me, what kind of a person do I look like to you and not what the teblots say?" Woah we just got real deep real fast. Sighing "You will not fire me?" I have got to make sure, do not judge me. Nodding his head again, I take a deep breath and exhale slowly "You are rude, egotistical, arrogant, abnormal but you are almost kind, carrying and a genial person with a big heart" his face turned from cold to soft in under a minute

"At least one of my employees is not afraid of me" oh I am still afraid, nodding my head with a fake smile, I turn around to find that the restaurant is almost empty, just a few people here and there

"I think we should go" looking back a Axel to find him looking at me again with those beautiful blue eyes and of course we could never forget that smirk on his perfect lips

"You really need to stop looking at me like that" he chuckles as he nods and we stand up, him never forgetting to hook our arms

My head finally leds on a pillow and all of today's events come to my head like a flood. Axel is really something and I cannot help but notice that at the dinner he was so relaxed unlike when his in his office, and the smile that he gave me tonight was a real smile not the one he puts on for show. With Axel in my mind I fall asleep

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