8//S H O P P I N G

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'Kendall Anderson'

Thinking about it, it's actually not a bad idea. Knowing Axel won't let me leave the house at all, I think this is a good idea

Nodding my head, Emma does a fun-girl scream, which I hated in high school but coming from her is actually not that bad

"I cannot wait, I am going to buy you shoes, dresses, everything." As she says this, she pushes me into my room saying I should bath and get dressed

After bathing I head to the closet to find an outfit, picking out a long sleeve oversized shirt and some black jeans, finishing it off with black adidas sports footwear

As I head downstairs I find Emma making chocolate pancakes, mmm my fevart. When she turns, her expression falls. "You are not going out with me like that"

She turns off the stove and literally pushes me up the stairs, again. Getting into my closet. When she comes out she's holding a no-sleeves white dress with blue flower patterns on it, topping it of with milky blue high heels.

She also puts on a black dress just below her butt and black high heels. "Can my friend April come too, it has been a while" nodding her head to say yes

Pulling out my new phone, I send April a message;

From: dall
To: April
-Going shopping, do you want to come?

It did not take long for her to reply

To: dall
-I am so there, where & what time?

I can just imagine April jumping up and down, from the recent news. Her and Emma are just the same, even if I just met her. She's one of those girls who love's going out; drinking; shopping; having a good time with family or friends. I am not saying it is wrong, or against it. Hell no, I'm just more calmer then that.

I love reading, watching tv and baking; and all this activities happen to be all done in doors. I am just opposite them, I guess opposite does attract. I quickly text her the the mall and what time.

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We got into Emma's car; beautiful, a black lambogeni. When we reached the mall, it was not hard to spot April.

"HI, I am April"

"Nice to meet you, I am Emma"

Looks like they gonna get pretty close. The two drag me to forever 21 and the clothes there are beautiful. It's like April and Emma are making this shopping they life legacy. Judging from the amount of clothes

A whole set of clothes is hanging on my arms. "Get in, I want to see if it looks good on you" these girls. "You guys are acting like you have got the money to buy all this cloths" I get it that Emma is Axel's sister but I don't think she would want to spend so much money on me, and April doesn't have that much of money right now, it's the 20th of the month, she gets paid on the 25th. Making this week, her broke-est.

"Oh, we don't have the money, but I bet loverboy has, judging by the fact, he give you his 'card' .Who is loverboy and how does she have his card

I mast have said it out loud, "Axel is Mr. Loverboy, your loverboy" what no way, "Number one, Axel  is not 'my' loverboy because, um um I don't know; he doesn't love me and two I don't remember him giving me his 'card' so you're lying" Emma and April share a knowing look.

"Number one; he so loves you, he just doesn't know it yet and two he left it on the table next to the tv remote with and sorry for read your private note that says: Kendall, please order anything you want and pay with my card; don't hold back okay, it's on me. P.S if you buy any clothing I went to see them"

Did she just make that up. "You see Kendall, Alex really has the hots for you. And if you do not believe look at the note, you are used to seeing his handwriting so you know it's him who wrote it" Emma hand me the note and it really is from him with his signature and everything

"Whatever" I put the clothes on the tile and they end up paying for all the clothes. This time they literally drag me to Victoria Secrets. I don't like the shop, it's like it's for slutty woman, with no will power what so ever. Not that I am against people who love this shop, I am just one individual who does not like it.

When we get in, Emma and April started looking for 'really good undergarments' not my words. Anything is fine with me, as long as am wearing something. I don't care if it is; silk, cotton or even wool, it is still underwear

Roaming through the shop, a lady, suit to be the next Victoria's secrets next model come up to me "May I help you with anything" shaking my head no she goes back to whatever hole she came out of

Continuing with minding my own business I spot a black sexy outfit

"It is beautiful, you have just got to try it" April whispers into my ear. It is not bad to just try it out, it's not like anyone will see me in it.

I take the piecewear to the changing room, I look good, like sexy good, I've never seen myself look this sexy before like ever. Getting over it, knowing I am just gonna die alone

A slowly tried to remove it in my sad state; key word being tried. I can't get the zipper down. Okay don't panic, let me just try it one more time. Slowly I try to remove it, but nothing, it doesn't even move. Okay now am panicking 

Oh no, I will always be known as the girl who couldn't remove an outfit in Victoria Secrets. My life is over, it is not like it even had begin. Oh my God, what will Axel think if he found out a zipper got stack on me in V.S

"APRIL! Please help me" I am almost at a breakdown point when the door opens and a cold but soft hand land on my back skin

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