19//F I R S T

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'Kendall Anderson'

"Emma good to see you too. And is that my boy, behind mommys leg-" wait back up a bit, did he just mommy, is Emma a mother.

How come she never told me, I am guessing she sow my facial expressions because she then said she would tall me later. Axel pulls out a box of expansive chocolate of his pock. "Thank yow unclew Axel" Axel picks up the very cute, very adorable kid

"Aston, I want you to meet Kendall, she is very special to me okay" as soon as he says that lightning bolts are send down my body, making my face turn red, I am special to him, how cute.

"Hewo Kendaw, it vewy nice to meet yow, you are vewy pwetty" his just the cutest thing ever "Nice to meet you too Aston" He jumps out of Axels arms to hold my arm.

Emma lads us to what I am guessing is the dinning hall. The house is beautiful with brown thick wooden floors and the walls are peach adding in a nice, homey feeling. The furniture is also brown making the house look very worm and comfy.

"Hey everyone, Axel is here" everyone's eyes snaps to Axel but than they quickly moved to me. Under they gaze they made me want to dig a hole under the house and never come out.

The was a woman and man who looked like Axel and Emma, Axels grandparents, two other children, one who looked like Aston but a bit older and one who looked identically like Aston, maybe twin brother

A guy who looked like Axel but younger standing next to a girl who did not look like any one in the room. Next to Axels grandparents stood another guy who looked like the twin boys, am guessing is their father and Emma's husband.

Next to the woman who looked like Emma stood, a woman who was identical to her and a guy holding her hand. A woman who looked pretty stood next to a guy I have no idea who those two are

I squzzed Axels hand showing that I am about to die. "Hey Axel, glad you could make it son" Axel grandpa said coming towards us

After that, everyone got back to their conversation, thank you gramps. "So I see you apologized to Kendall, did he?" I nod my head and he gives Axel a man hug. Axel's Grandma comes and gives me a bone crushing hug as well

"I missed you so much, Dall" she says as she let's go of me, what was her name again, Amy and his name is Petter.

"I would love for you both to stay and chat but I can see mom giving the get here new Axel or I'll kill you look" I think he ment giving me that look. Axel pulls us away from the two and lads me to his parents

"Mom, dad. Nice to see you two not acting like a young couple" Axel and his father laugh it out giving each other man hugs. "Mom" he gives his mother a bone crushing hug and kiss her on the cheeks

"Mom, dad. I went you both to met my girlfriend, Kendall"... when was I given the title of girlfriend. I extended my hand to shake his father but than he pushes it aside and give me a bone crushing hug, almost tipping me over

When he finally lets go of me, I extended my hand for his mother but she just looks at me and smiles. "Axel, I did not know you where coming with a visit, I did not make enough food for her" I put down my hand shamefully back to my side. The way she said 'her', like it burnt her tongue saying it

"Mom, I know you too well, you even have enough food to give the help, to go give they family" I knew coming to met Axels family was a bad idea, his totally out of my league and I should have known that

She is going turn her family against me and it is not long until she turns Axel against me. "How could you not know he was coming with her, when he talks about her all the time" Axels dad said... he talks about me "By the way, you can call me Bryan"

"You got me baby, I will make room for her" she called for a help and whispered something to her, "Kendall right, can I have a word with you in my office, thank you"

Axel gave me a looking, that I have seen and got to know as, shame. Axel's mother lads me to what I am guessing is her office. When we got there, the first thing that got my attention was the big garden that looked so much better with the night light illuminating over it, on the other side of the window

"You like the view?" Axel's mother says as she pours wine into two glasses. I nod my head still focusing on the view, "Good, I like it too. I was not being hush to you earlier Kendall, I was just testing your manners, and I think your mother rested you very well"

I fliched, at the words my mother, my mother did nothing good to me, just pain. "What do you do for a leaving Kendall" I took a sit across from her "Right now I am Axel's PA, but I went to finish my PHD and do some economics"

"Oh, so you are beauty with brains I see" I blush at her words, I have never been called beautiful other than my family. "Thank you"

"So let us go to the rest of the guest down there, I am sure their are waiting to meet Axel's first official girlfriend" I cannot believe Axel told this family I am his girlfriend, or maybe his doing it to get them of his back

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"So, it final hey. My older brother finally has a girl around his arm whobis not a bimbo" the is the third people today who has said I am Axels first girlfriend with brains, the first being his mother Rosaline, Emma's husband Mark and now Axel's younger brother Nathan. Which makes me wonder, what type of girls had he brought home with

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