Chapter 10 - Loose Ends

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Liara felt relieved; a bit of good news amidst the nightmare. He smiled and seemed to sag a little.

"Good. But how do you know?"

"This station is one of three. The other two are public stations, one under the Command of Admiral Tali'Zorah. Mission files state that it is a research station co-staffed by Geth and Quarians in orbit around Rannoch. Research notes state that Tali has been conducted voluntary studies on Geth AI consciousness to assist them with the transition. There have been requests from Admiral Daro'Xen filed for particulars of her research to "assist" in Geth and Quarian compatibility. these file segments have been transferred here."

"And the other base?"

"A Geth platform R&D site, in the Perseus Veil. There are dummy requisitions, requesting parts and spares. This station is a shadow operation, making use of research and developments by the Quarians."

Liara shook her head slowly, "And the data you've found?"

"Shows Geth being tortured, lobotomised and controlled by the Quarians. This data could still be harmful to Tali in the public domain. It could be harmful to the Quarian race."

Kaidan stepped in, "Political discourse later - we are in hostile territory and they could be…"

The lighting turned red and sirens began to wail. Liara grimaced.

"I think they know we are here."

EDI shuddered and staggered away from the server, "Transfer complete… but I have been locked out of the systems. Feed-feed-feed-feed back."

The AI sank to her knees. Kaidan bent down and slipped her arm over his shoulder, "I think that's our cue to leave."

They exited the lab, but were forced to duck back in as bullets ricocheted off of bulkheads. Kaidan growled, "Only a matter of time. Change of plans. We head to the bridge, seize the station and hold it as evidence." The marines, Simmons and Wright, leaned out and began to lay down cover fire. Kaidan looked at Liara, "Hun, would you mind?"

"My pleasure."

Wrapping a biotic field about herself, Liara stepped into the corridor. Bullets impacted against her barrier, barely even denting it.

"I will destroy you!"

She thrust her arms forwards, sending a blast of biotic energy rippling down the corridor. They heard the cries of alarm and the crack of people landing hard against bulkheads and decking. The marines surged forwards, kicking weapons aside, before levelling weapons at the stunned Quarians. Kaidan touched his ear and grinned.

"Guys, I'd hold onto something if I were you…"

The Quarians looked puzzled, but were only halfway to their feet when the station shook, sending them crashing to the floor again. The marines, Liara, Kaidan and EDI, on the other hand, had gripped at what ever they could and remained standing. Liara snarled at the subdued Quarians.

"Stand. Down."

Captain Trella'Zin nar Moreh vas Morkleih growled. The blasted frigate had captured half his marine compliment and he now had reports of intruders aboard his station. Admiral Xen was going to have his head. He had no desire to be the next test subject for the Geth puppets.


"We last had them reported in the data-store. Something's in the systems… Keelah, they've taken everything."

The Captain's voice was thick and dull when he spoke, "What?"

"I… I don't know. They just mass downloaded our data. Activated AI countermeasure. There… they're out…"

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