Chapter One

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Hailey Thomas.

The first thing I hear when I wake up is the sound of the downstair's TV blaring. My parents are watching the News again. It's the only thing they have been watching since Elle went missing. And I'm pretty sure they have every News report recorded since she was found dead. They don't want to miss a thing.

I swing my legs over the side of my bed, running my fingers through my messy strawberry blonde curls. I stand up, stretching my arms above my head as I yawn tiredly. I may be tired, but I'm still a morning person. I like waking up early, which is why I don't mind that it is 7:30 am on a Monday.

Grabbing my housecoat from my desk chair, I slip it on to cover up my pyjama shorts and matching pyjama t-shirt before I make my way into the hall. I make a quick trip to the bathroom before I begin making my way downstairs, only to stop halfway down them when I see Elle's face on my TV screen. She's been all over the news lately. It's not every day someone is found dead in this town, never mind a teenage girl being found dead.

We live in the small town of River Falls, Scotland where the people are pretty and the lies are even prettier, apparently, because everyone around here seems to enjoy a good lie just like they would enjoy looking at a pretty person.

"Hailey?" I hear my mum's voice call out to me. "Are you awake?"

I swallow the lump in my throat, making my way down the rest of the stairs and into the living room. My dad turns the TV off as if I need to be sheltered from what's going on.

They won't admit it, but I know my parents are scared and even though Elle's death was ruled an accident, I know my parents don't believe that.

"Morning," I say, folding my arms across my chest as my mum stands up from the couch, making her way over to me.

She cups my face in her hands. "Oh, dear. You're a little warm," She says, and I roll my eyes, pushing her hands away.

She's been doing this for the past two weeks, ever since Elle's body was found. She's been trying to keep me home with her while my dad goes to work at his teaching job at our town's local college.

"I'm fine, mum," I sigh, making my way through the living room and into the kitchen to make myself some toast.

"Are you sure, Hails? You don't have to go to school today. It's only been two weeks," Mum says, following me to the toaster.

Being followed to the toaster is the least of it. The other day, she tried following me to the bathroom. My mother literally stood outside the bathroom door until I came out. I mean, I get that she's worried about me, but Jesus Christ, at least let me pee in peace.

"Mum," I snap, turning to face her. I sigh when I see her face drop. "Look, I'm sorry, but I promise I'll be okay. It's just school, okay?" I say softly, kissing her cheek before I grab my toast and make my way through the living room again and up the stairs to my bedroom.

After eating my toast, I grab my school uniform and make my way across the hall to the bathroom. I splash some water on my face, rub some stuff onto my face that's supposed to help stop spots and blackheads and then I splash some more water on my face. I toss my pyjamas and underwear into the washing basket before I pull some clean underwear and a bra on, and then I wrestle with my black tights, button up my white shirt, tuck my shirt into my skirt and then I fix my school tie, making sure it sits perfectly straight.

"Hailey!" My dad shouts from downstairs. "It's 8:15! Let's get going."

"Coming, Dad!" I shout back, walking back across the hall to my room, grabbing my brush from my bedside table. I quickly brush my hair before I pull my long, strawberry blonde curls into a messy ponytail while slipping my feet into my black flats. I grab my backpack and I make my way downstairs again.

The drive to River Falls High is silent. My dad doesn't say a word and neither do I. The only sound is the radio playing a Lady Gaga song from 2009.

I have been attending River Falls High since 1st Year, making me twelve just going on thirteen. I met Elle toward the end of 1st Year and over the summer, we became best friends. We were inseparable all throughout 2nd and 3rd Year, but we stopped being friends 4th Year. Now, here I am, 6th Year, going through my last year of high school. Without Elle.

"We're here," My dad says, tapping the steering wheel lightly as he looks over at me. "Be careful, okay?" He says, leaning over to kiss my forehead.

I nod my head. "Okay, dad. I'll see you at home," I reply.

When I'm out of the car and I've shut the car door behind me, I swing my backpack over my shoulder as I check the time on my phone. It's 8:30 am. Classes don't start for another 30 minutes.

"Hailey!" Jack, my best friend, calls from his car, waving me over like a maniac as he slams the driver side door of his car shut behind him.

I smile, waving back as I make my way over to him. The first thing I notice is how messy his tie is, and the second thing I notice is how his hair is even messier.

"What happened to you?" I laugh, straightening out his tie a little as he attempts to make his hair look a little more presentable by running his fingers through it.

Jack smiles sheepishly. "I slept over at Brad's place," He says, huffing quietly. "I swear, that boy can't keep his hands off me!" He rolls his eyes as we make our way to the front entrance of the school.

I laugh again. "Alright, Romeo, I don't need the details."

As we walk to my locker, everyone around us is talking about Elle. I can't help but let my fists clench with anger when I hear someone say that she slipped and hit her head. According to the police, she died due to blunt force trauma. They're saying she fell and that her death was just a horrible accident.

"She must have hit her head pretty damn hard," Jack mutters, shaking his head. "Don't you find it funny that they won't even tell us where they found her body? Apparently, her parents don't even know."

I swing my locker open, shoving my jacket inside. "You know that's bullshit, right? I don't think she fell and hit her head. It's a possibility, sure, but I really, really don't think that's what happened."

Jack raises his eyebrow at me. "What's your theory, Nancy Drew?" He jokes, leaning against the locker next to mine.

My lips purse slightly, and I close my locker. "That this town is sick. They're covering something up," I say, and then I pause.

It's as if a light bulb flicks on in my head, and Jack must notice my change in facial expression because he groans. "Oh, no. I know that look. What are you cooking up in that pretty little head of yours?" He asks, folding his arms across his chest.

"I don't know what they're covering up," I say, "But I'm going to find out."

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Disclaimer: All events, names, places and whatever else you can think of is purely from my imagination. River Falls, Scotland is not a real place, Hailey Thomas is not a real person and this story is purely fiction. Enjoy!

There is a gif of the gorgeous Holland Roden above; She plays Hailey.

I hope you all enjoy this first chapter.



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