Accidents Happen

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I was walking down James Ln. It was a hot Saturday, even though it was only mid April- it was California though, so I don't really know what I expected. It was such a beautiful day, and I had just finished my shopping when something caught my attention. There was a beautiful butterfly across the street. I wondered if I should go over. Suddenly, I bumped into someone.
   "I'm so sorry," I called out, trying to help gather their things.

   "Don't worry about it!" A cheerfully sweet and fimilar voice chimed. My head shot up, and my jaw slammed into the ground. I had just bumped into Ariana Grande. Her legs were golden tan, and she had on a little, light pink dress. Her hair was up in a ponytail, as per usual. She looked stunning, but I don't know why that surprised me. She was THE Ariana Grande after all.

   "I'm so so sorry Ms. Grande! I didn't see you there," I practically squeaked with embarrassment. I could feel my cheeks burning and my legs starting to shake.

   "You're fine," she insisted. "What's your name?"

   "Me?" I asked, completely dumbfound.

   "Yes, silly," she said sweetly with a smile on her face. I couldn't tell if she really wanted to know or was just trying to be polite because there was constantly paparazzi.

   "I'm Y/N, Y/F/N Y/L/N," I said, my voice unstead. Was this really happening?

   "My friends and I are going out for lunch," she gestured to Brian and Scott. "Want to come with?" I hadn't noticed that they were there before and I kinda felt bad. In my defense, she was actually drop-dead gorgeous and my brain kinda dropped dead.
I smiled up at them and nodded.

    "I'd love to!" I looked up at Ariana and she reached her hand down to me. I realized I was still holding her things. "Oh, here," I said sloppily handing her her stuff.

   "She wants your hand," Brian and Scott said in unison. I wish she wanted my hand I thought to myself. I blushed and put my hand into her's and she helped lift me up. For someone so small, she was awfully strong.

   I had had a crush on Ariana since her hit show, starring her as Cat Valentine, had come out. She was so beautiful and seemed so sweet.

   "Have you ever been here before?" I looked up, realizing Scott was talking to me.

   "I used to come here about everyday after school with my friends." Why was I so awkward. Ariana and her friends were talking to me and I couldn't even speak.

   Most of the meal was a blur because I was trying to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Ariana and I exchanged numbers and she said she would text me when she got home. She covered the bill and we went our separate ways.

   I got home and took a nap. When I woke up, I checked my phone. Just the usual text from my mom and the 2 friends I had, plus a few twitter notifications. I opened my iMessages and noticed something. I had a text from "Bestie💅💜😘" I didn't have anyone named that in my phone. I remembered that I had been out with Ariana earlier that day and she had set her contact up. I froze. I actually met Ariana today! I sighed deeply to myself and let out a small chuckle. I opened the message.

Bestie💅💜😘:Hey Y/N👑, wanna hang out later?

Did she just ask me to chill with her? How could I turn her down????

Y:I'd love to
B:Come to my place

   She gave me her address and told me to meet her there at 9:30, also that Brian and Scott would be there. It's was 7 so I had enough time to get ready before I ordered my Uber.

   I looked through my closet, not sure what to wear. I hoped me and Y/N could become great freinds, I really needed a friend right now. Plus, it helped that she was beautiful; the media would really love us- her.

   She had curly, light-brown hair. She had a slim figure and she was about 5'2 or 3, not too much taller than me. Her skin was a light brown, and you could tell it was natural. I loved the way her green eyes twinkled at everything, like she still appreciated everything life had given her.

   I kinda felt bad for telling her Brian and Scott were going to be here. I didn't want her to be intimated by 1 on 1 time with me. What would she wear? I didn't want to seem to dressed up. Maybe I should just go with something simple but not too casual. I put on a pink skirt and white crop top. I slid on my little white heels and went down stairs to wait. It was only 9 so I still had time to waste. I starting thinking about what excuses to use as to why it was just me and what we could do.
*ding-dong-ding ding-dong-ding*
It was my doorbell. I hopped off of the couch and hurried to the door.

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