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   I laid in my bed thinking for the rest of the night. Ariana continuously tried to text and FaceTime me more than once.

B: We need to talk
B: Stop ignoring me
B: I know you're looking at your phone
B: Please respond

   I opened my phone and changed her contact name to 'Nope' and put my phone on mute. My screen still lit up. I threw my phone across the room.
Why are you so stupid? Why did you do this? Everything was going great until you ruined it.

   "UGH" I called out in complete anger.
   It had been three weeks since I kissed Ariana. She messaged me on every platform: Twitter, Insta, snapchat, texts, iMessage, Facebook, even email. All for nothing. I could never talk to her again. I could never show my face around her again. I was so embarrassed. We had a great friendship- even if we had only known each other for a small amount of time- and I ruined it. I was so disappointed in myself. I felt like I had let her down.

   I had to move on in life like nothing had happened, but she was all that I thought about. All that was on my mind.

   I was sitting in the car, on my way to lunch with my best friend, Lily. I stopped at a red light and look over to my right. That's when I saw her. She was in the back seat of the big, black car. Talking to the guy beside her. She saw me too. Then the light turned green and I went straight while they turned right at the next intersection.
I know I should have followed her but I couldn't. She was busy and I didn't know what to say or do. I would probably make everything so much worse.

   I got out of the car and walked into the Starbucks. Lily was waiting for me at a table in the back, by the restrooms. She already had my drink and was on her phone, not paying attention to anyone around her. I sat down and took the drink.

   "HEY! YOU CAN'T JUST-" she stopped as she looked up from her phone. "Y/N!!!" She screamed making everyone turn to us before going back to what they were doing before.

   It had been a while since I had seen her because she's a very well known photographer. She was always busy traveling. We lived together but she had been gone for months and asked me to meet her at Starbucks and take her stuff home while she talked to her manager.

   As we were catching up, I heard the door open. Something told me to turn around. I saw a group of people. They looked familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it. They all traveled together to the bathrooms while one went to order. Where do I know them from????

   I ignored them and went back to my conversation with Lily until a familiar sent filled my nose. Ariana was here.

   "Lily we need to go," I stood up, hiding my face.

   "Why? You just got here!" She was annoyed but I needed to go.

   "I can't say. Just- Give me your stuff and I'll take it home. We can catch up later!" I reached over for her things. Just as I was about to make it out, a hand landed on my shoulder.

   "Y/N?" Ariana voice rang in my head. SHIT! I slowly turned around to face her.

   "Hey Ariana," I said, my voice deflated. She looked at me for a second before removing her hand and turned back to her group of friends. This is my chance to escape I thought to myself. I walked out the door.

  I was only a few step away from my car when I hear "Hold up. Y/N!!"
I turned around to face her. I stood there silently, not wanted to say anything that would make her hate me more. I had been ignoring her for almost most a month, I'd hate me too.

   "Why haven't you answer my texts or calls?" Ariana asked. I could see the hurt in her eyes.

   "I..uhh. I lost you number..." I lied. "I got the texts but didn't know who it was so I didn't answer."

   She stopped for a minute. She knew I was lying but she was about to just accept it. "Then why didn't you message me back on Facebook?"

   "I thought it was spam or just a fan account."

   "Email?" Shit.

   "Oh...." I didn't know how to respond to that one.

   "Yeah." She let out a disappointed sigh.

   "I'm sorry," I mumbled. I felt how useless my words were. I knew sorry wouldn't fix what I had done, but it's all I could really get out.

   "Just tell me why."

   I took my eyes off of the ground and stopped playing either my finger to look at her face. I could see all of the emotion in her eyes. Sadness. Pain. Sorrow. Misery. And the worst of them all, guilt. She thought this was her fault. She thought that I had been ignoring her because of her, not the kiss. She looked heart broken. Her eyes were starting to water. She was going to cry. "Ariana, no." She looked at me, confusion was now in the mixture. "It wasn't you. It never has been and never will be. You are perfect! You're amazing. I've looked up to you since I saw you on tv. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I just..." I couldn't get anymore out.

   I hugged her as we both started crying. How could this amazing woman ever be to blame?

   After a few minutes of hugging and silently crying she pulled away to look at me. I wiped the tears from her cheeks and smiles at her. "Will you text me?" She mumbled.

   "Of course," I managed to get out.
A/n I don't know if I should make this happy or lean more towards complicated. Let me know? Sorry, this chapter really sucks. I wrote most of it before going to bed last night and the night before at like 1 in the morning. Thanks for reading Loves💜

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