In the Closet....Again

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   After Ariana left, I was stuck in my seat trying to remember what she said. Even if I wasn't paying attention, I still heard what she said. The only issue is the words didn't make sense so my brain won't remember them properly.

   The only thing I really heard was 'just a kiss.' Is that all she was saying? Was it really just a kiss to her? I sigh and grab my cup as I stand up to leave.

   Why the fuck did I kiss her?

   I arrive at my apartment and place my keys and purse on the couch before heading to my bedroom with my phone. I woke up late today and somehow forgot to last night so I really needed a shower. I grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom before undressing and starting the water.

   "Alexa, play my Ariana Playlist please," I called out before hearing side to side begin to blast.

   I sing along as an assortment of Ariana songs play throughout my shower before I hear clapping. WTF?

   I peep my head out out of the shower and see Ariana laughing and smiling smugly.

   "Not bad Y/N. Who knew you had such good pipes?"

   "Alexa, pause," I waited a moment before continuing.  "How the fuck did you get in my house? And why are you here?"

   "Aren't you supposed to be nice to guests?"

   "Aren't you suppose to knock before you come into someone's house, especially if your arrival is unannounced?"

   "I did knock but you didn't answer and the door was unlocked so I let myself in. Plus, I texted you telling you I was coming over like a million times. Not my fault you didn't check your phone," she sasses.

   "Whatever," I sighed. "Can you at least get out of the bathroom so I can finish showering?"

   "As you wish, Beyoncé," she said as she left the room.

   "Beyoncé wishes she could sing this good," I called out as she left.

   I hurried and finished rinsing myself off before grabbing my towel and wrapping myself in it.

   I walk into my room to see Ariana laying across my bed playing on her phone.

   "Make yourself at home," I mumble as I make my way into my closet.

   I look around, trying to find something cute and comfortable. I take my towel off and wrap it around my hair before going to a dresser and sliding a pair of black underwear on.

   I hear a small giggle and turn around, instantly regretting it. Ariana gasps as she stares openly.

"Ariana what the fuck? Turn around!" I yell as I cover myself, completely red in the face.

   She closes her mouth before covering her eyes and turning around.

   "I-I," she stutters.

   "Why were you in my closet?" I ask, both embarrassed and mad as I rest one hand on my hip and the other on my forehead.

   "I- I thought you would be dressed already. I-I wanted to scare you."

   "Why were you giggling then?" I ask, truly curious.

   "I thought it would be funny to see you all scared like the big baby you are," she says giggling again. She must have forgotten our current situation because she turned around before going red and covering her eyes once more.

   "DID YOU SEE ANYTHING?" I ask, beyond embarrassed at this point.

   "I- I didn't see anything," she forces out.

   "You're lying," I deadpan.

   "I'm lying," she admits.

   We both laugh before I sigh and turn around, now facing away from her. "Stay there for a second you doofus," I instruct before grabbing a random oversized sweater and throwing it on.

   "It's safe now; I'm covered," I say and we both laugh before walking out of my closet.

   "Everything happens in the closet," she mumbled under her breath. I pretend not to hear her as we both plop onto my bed.

   "So why are you here anyways?"
I feel like everything has been rushed (in the story, not the process of writing I take like 18 years) so I wanted to give it something that made them more "real"
Anyways, hope you enjoyed and I will (hopefully) be updating more often💛

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