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F U L L  S U M M A R Y 

       The rivalry between Hollis and Foxcreek has been in existence longer than history can tell it, and the way Reid sees it, those pretentious boarding school pricks had it coming. Fuck the consequences  and if those consequences are trading in handcuffs for an ankle monitor, and sacrificing his summer to provide "janitorial services" for his fiercest rivals, then so fucking be it. 

       Except, there was a flaw in his plan. Four, actually. In the form of full-term boarders, four insufferable rich brats who decided to spend their summers lounging around their dorms instead of their yachts.

       It didn't help that Reid knew him. The asshole with the stark blonde hair, dark eyes, and a shiv up his sleeve. 

       He just can't remember from where. 

A U T H O R ' S  N O T E 

holy shit it's been so long since i've written something!!! this is totally going to be a mess i can't wait. it's gonna be lighter than the shit i usually write so brace urselves, my soul ain't that damn dark. anyway this is gay and diverse so go away if you don't like it

um i really shouldn't have to say this but ... i make a lot of white people jokes ... no, i don't hate white people ... i'm half white sooo ... also reverse racism doesn't exist thank u !! 

side note: credit for "fair/unfair" in the external link

edit 4.19.19 / i'm always a little embarrassed when new people read my book because the first half is largely cringey and not reflective of my writing today, so if you can pls not judge by the first, like, ten (lol) chapters and keep reading! i promise it gets better and isn't so annoying to read. 

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