Chapter 2 - Frankie

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Massimo sat in his sleek, black BMW i8, which was currently parked outside his angel's apartment. It was in a low socioeconomic area and he was angry at the fact that his angel had to live in such a horrid place. He watched her intently, focusing on how her canary brown her bounced with each step she took.

It was 6 AM on a Monday morning. Using his sources- more specifically his best friend, Lenny, Massimo had detected that Amora went on a brief jog every morning for a whole hour- from 6 AM to 7 AM.

Massimo waited for Amora to gain some distance from his car, which was currently expertly parked behind some rusting cars, hidden from Amora's watchful sight.

He then got out, quietly shutting his door and locking it, following Amora in his own running gear.

'I won't reveal myself to her', he thought,
'I'll just have to keep a close eye on her, for now at least', Massimo thought, pleased with his decision. He felt such an intense urge to protect her - one that he just simply could not ignore. So here he was.

He focused back onto the road, where Amora was much further up ahead, already onto the main road and turning into one of the side roads.

It didn't take long for Massimo to jog back up behind her, carefully calculating his next steps as he saw her turn into a side road, and then into a park soon after.

Massimo's perfect brows arched into a shape of confusion- where was this girl going? What business had she inside a park at around 6:12 in the cold morning? Did she have a boyfriend she was secretly meeting up with?
Massimo growled and stormed after her, seeking refuge in the bushes whenever she would turn around.

Amora stilled. Ever since she had left her apartment for her early morning jog, she had the nerve wracking feeling that someone was watching her. Now that Amora was in the park, she heard a twig snap every now and then. Someone was definitely following her.

She sharply turned at the sound of a leaf crunching under someone's foot.

"Who's there? Don't you dare try anything because I have a knife on me." Amora shouted, hoping that the threat of a knife would scare off the follower.

Amora didn't actually have a knife, she would never hurt even a tiny little fly, let alone an actual human, but she was certain that the threat of it would mean that anyone following her would run off.

Massimo held his breath, he was currently in an awkward hiding position behind a huge tree that effectively blocked him from anyones gaze.

He heard his Tesoro shout out something that she probably thought was going to terrify him, in reality it just made him silently chuckle.
She sounded so cute when she was trying to act scary.
In fact, her trying to sound scary only made her more adorable to Massimo- especially the fact that she lied about having a knife.
She was too sweet to carry a knife, unless there was a constant threat to her, Massimo was angered at this thought- she would never have to worry about being unsafe ever again- if she was ever unsafe in the first place. Massimo would keep her safe.

When Amora's ears weren't graced with a response, she shrugged off the feeling of someone watching her, and bolted towards the pond, where she had brought some bird food for the pigeons and some bread and rolled oats for the ducks.

When she had left her apartment, Massimo was too occupied with her wonderful figure to notice the tiny bag of bird food she held in her tight grasp.

Massimo watched her from behind the bushes with such adoration, focusing on how she lightly dropped the bird food; a mixture of various seeds and nuts- which Massimo knew because of his mother- Vittoria. Massimo's mother would make him place some bird food every morning into the little birdhouse she had made.

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