Chapter 4 - Saved

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Amora gasped when the rotting wooden door to the pub flew open, revealing a shirtless and very angry- no, a fuming Frankie. Amora couldn't help but let free the sigh of relief that ran past her lips. Frankie would save her. She was sure of it.

"Frankie", she breathed, her core clenching when Frankie brought his striking hazel orbs towards her.

One of the bearded bikers had their disgustingly wrinkled hand encasing Amora's arms. He harshly pressed it, making Amora wince.

Frankie's eyes wandered to Amora's arm and he saw red. Rage hot red. The beer bellied man had laid a hand on Amora.
Massimo Francesco Salvatore's Amora.

'No one touches what's mine, and if they do. They don't make it out alive.' Thought Massimo, a demonic look possessing his sharply crafted features.

He growled as he walked forwards, pushing through the crowds of the men around Amora who were now stopping and shivering in fear. The man holding Amora's arm jumped back in fright, effectively freeing Amora's now bruised arm.

Amora sighed in relief, a pained look crossing her angelic features. Frankie stalked over to where Amora was standing, shivering in fright and pulled her to him by her unbruised arm and whispered in her ear.

"When I say run, you run with Lenny- that guy near the door in the black suit jacket. Got it?" Frankie waited for Amora's nod of confirmation after she had turned her head to see Lenny chuck a thumbs up at her, signalling that he was ready and waiting.

One of the bearded bikers spoke,
"You can't have her all to yourself, we were first. Finders keepers, losers weepers." As if on cue, all the other trolls started laughing as if he had just said the worlds funniest joke.

Amora didn't need to be told twice, she lunged at the door, Lenny grabbed her hand and tugged her after him.

Massimo was struggling to control himself. If this was any other situation Massimo would not have waited even the slightest second to lunge at these yellow toothed trolls who were planning on hurting Amora. His Amora.

But he couldn't bear for Amora to find out about the type of person he really was. Amora brought out the best in him and Massimo was not yet prepared to show her his darkness.

In fact, if this was any other situation, perhaps Massimo wouldn't be here. The entire reason he came speeding through was because of the words Lenny had told him.

Four words. Four simple words and yet those simplest of simple words had driven Massimo mad with fury.

"Amora is in danger."

Amora turned one last time, quick enough to see the men pulling out weapons- ready to hurt Frankie. She whimpered. Frankie had no weapons- what was he going to do? Amora's heart dropped a staggering fall at even the mere thought of Frankie getting hurt.

Lenny hadn't heard Amora and her whimpers for he was too focused on getting her to safety- inside Massimo's big, black Mercedes G-Class.

They'd be back for Lennys car- or once Massimo was back, Lenny would be able to get into his vehicle whilst Massimo drove Amora.
For now, the only thing that mattered to Lenny is that Amora was safe.

Lenny looked over at Amora only to see her crying a heart wrenchingly sad, silent sob.
Was she hurt? Had Lenny accidentally hurt her on the way?!

"Hey hey! What's wrong? Are you hurt? I'm sure Massimo keeps a first aid kit in here, don't you worry I'll-"
Lenny's rushed rambles were cut off by Amora's cracking voice.

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