Chapter 7

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As i look at the past I realize how naive i was, how my life was low and how my life changed in the meantime.

I was getting a job today and i told dad about it and he was willing to help but I don't want to work unprofessionally and get loads of money because simply my dad is the one who asked for a job, he even offered me a job at his company but I refused, I don't need a job at his company and to be treated as the daughter of the boss so I declined his offer.

And here i am looking for the fourth job today as a waitress in a restaurant a fancy one to be exact, I could work at a diner but i asked at one and i was refused because they have enough workers.

As i continued walking down the street I noticed a bazar shop so I entered and went to a desk sitting on it an old man with grey hair maybe he's sleeping I'm not sure but as I tapped his shoulder to see if he's okay he woke up and rubbed his eyes. He raised his grey eyebrows at me as if saying 'i was in a deep sleep right here you shouldn't even tap my shoulder' but i shook the thought out of my head and smiled brightly at him and asked

"Is there any job here? I could help people to see what they need or take the cash" i said still smiling just maybe he'll take me in but he looked at me and went back to sleep, i glared at the back of his head as I stormed out of the bazar cursing.

"I can't believe he just went to sleep while I'm talking" I mumbled to myself and huffed angrily as my phone rang signaling I've someone calling me. As i took my phone out of my purse and I didn't even bother looking at the caller I'm just too angry at that old man , I answered

"Hello" i said angrily and waited for the caller to answer and he answered immediately

"Oh someone is pissed off and I wonder who?" Harry's teasing voice greeted me and I smiled as I answered

"I'm totally pissed right now at that old creature in there" i said and he laughed

"May i ask who are you even talking about and why are you pissed?" He asked and i sighed heavily and said

"It's just I was looking for a job and i went in a small bazar and saw an old man sleeping in his chair so i woke him up, asked for a job politely and you can't even believe what was his response" i said as I glared at the bazar hoping it'll set on fire just by my eyes but sadly that's not the case here.

"Wait what you were looking for a job and you didn't tell me? And no I can't so tell me" he said and I answered angrily

"He looked at me and slept again, what a freak" I mumbled the last part so he wouldn't hear me but obviously he heard because he laughed so hard and j smiled instantly but I don't know why , i just coughed to mask it up and he said still recovering from the laugh

"Okay that's rude and weird i give you that, but why didn't you tell me you were looking for a job huh?" He asked and i bit on my lower lip thinking of an answer

"I didn't want to worry anybody actually, I wanted to find it myself you know?" I said and shook my head sadly that I didn't find a job yet

"Where are you now?"he asked and i told him and asked him why but he just mumbled something along the line 'she can't even find a job' but ignored it and he said that he'll be here in five.

So i went to a small diner and texted harry that I'm in here and he responded by be there in 2 and I went to the cashier and ordered a smoothie as i was turning to sit on a booth and wait for harry I bumped hard on a chest of a man.

"Oww im sorry, didn't see you there" i said as I rubbed my head from the impact and as i looked at the person, i was surprised to see Zayn smiling down at me and i took a step back and smiled also

"Zayn hi what bring you here?" I asked curiously and he shrugged his shoulders and said

"I was walking to get some groceries and stopped by to get a coffe" he answered and folded his arms under his chest

"Oh, yeah i see..." i said but I didn't finish it as i was interrupted by a familiar voice saying

"What are you guys doing here together?" Harry asked and raised his eyebrows at me as i said

"I just saw him here" I answered and he glared at Zayn for some unknown reasons to me and i just shook it off

"It was nice meeting you zayn but we have to go right now" harry said as he grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the coffe

What was that for?
Didn't update in ages
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Love lots H.

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