Chapter 9 (Part 1)

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I woke up with my breast hanging out of my robe to Zurie knocking on my door. I fixed my robe before allowing her in. 

"Good morning." She said in a soft tone. 

"Good morning, come sit." I said as I patted the empty spot on my bed in front of me. After she sat, I started. 

"Do you want to tell me why you lied to me?"

"I'm sorry, I was scared."

In school, they taught us to not yell and to always be patient. I nodded at her response. "I understand Zurie, but it's my job to help you. We're supposed to be able to trust each other. How do I know you're not lying to me now?"

"I promise you I'm not."

"And I believe you. I'm going to help you and your father. I'm going to get you both some help, ok?" 

She nodded. "Ok." 

"My-my friend is going to take us to the police station and from there they'll want to send you to a hospital and have you examined."


"Yes, they are going to need evidence and we want to make sure that you're ok down there?"

She lowered her head. "Evidence?"


"Bey, I don't want my father to go to jail. He just needs help, he's really nice when don't drink."

I sighed. "Zurie, I can't promise you he wont go to jail. He abused you."

"NO! What am I supposed to do without my dad? I don't have any family."  She cried. 

"Zurie, honey, everything will be ok."

"You don't know that."

"I do. Now, lets get you dressed. Your clothes are on top of the drier and we'll stop for breakfast on the way."

-Dr. Carter

"Hello?" I answered my phone on the third ring.

"Boy, what took you so long to answer your phone?" My mother yelled. 

"I was in the shower." I explained as I walked out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my waist. 

"Oh, what time are you coming to get your brother?" I looked at the clock on my nightstand and it read 11:30am. I sighed, I hate being late. After getting home this morning, I relieved myself, (if you know what I mean) and then went back to bed. I didn't wake back up until 11 and I'm supposed to be back at Beyonce's condo at noon. She lives almost an hour away from me.

"Ma, I'll pick him up tonight. Just make sure he has everything he's bringing packed." I said as I searched threw my drawers for some boxers and a pair socks. 

"I thought you were coming earlier?" She asked.

"Uh, something came up. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Are you bringing my grandbaby?" 

"Uh, yea ma, I'll pick her up." I said still looking for socks. I never fold my socks after I wash takes too much time, time I don't have.

"Shawn what are you doing?"

"Looking for some socks. Ma, can I call you back?"

"Boy, what tell you about not folding your clothes?"

"Ma, I got to go."

"Boy, if you hang up this phone on me it'll be the last thing you do." She yelled. 

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