nothing could stop her// Chapter 1

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She paced in her living room, back and forth, as she held the bottle in her hand. She read the label, "Take 2 per day for 11 weeks."

20 should be enough to start.

She poured the pills out of the container with a shaky hand. Without counting, she desperately popped them into her mouth and sank into the chair in her bathroom. Leaning back, she took a large swig of whiskey straight from the bottle. Her mind started to drift and she ran a bath. She couldn't tell if it was hot or cold. Not that she would've cared in that moment. Fully clothed, she stepped into the bathtub.

The water was still running.

She brought the whiskey into the bathtub with her and clutched it in her shaking fingers. From her room she could hear the buzz of her phone. She ignored it and leaned her head back. The room started to blur and her vision became spotty. Next thing she knew, her head was under the water and her body was shaking uncontrollably. If she cared more, maybe she could've stopped it.

But she thought to hell with it, let me die.

The drugs had taken the toll on her, just as she'd hope. Her mind no longer had the power to lift her out of the water completely. Her head tilted up and her nose reached above the surface. She could barely see the lights on the ceiling. She could also faintly hear a ringing at her doorbell. She sucked up a breath through her nose before collapsing of exhaustion. Her body slipped back under the water, head hitting the bottom of the hard tub. She bled through her nose. But she wouldn't have known that.

She had already taken her final breath.

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