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    Ok, I needed somewhere to start because there is so many things I can talk about. So I went to a friend and ask a question and she'd said cutting. I'll start here because of that.


Cutting. Something that's everywhere around us and don't take notice.  3 out of 5 good friends is or have cut. Hm asked about me yet? I don't and never will. If you cut and I asked why you do it youd most likely say some like "it makes me feel  human" or somethin' like that.  So if you do cut, instead I'm going to ask this, why do you keep doing it? And how many marks are still there from the last time? This is a real thing. I remember one time before my friend was put in a weel chair id kept my eye on her. She goes to the bathroom after she left sight id go too. We'd catch her crying a lot of times. Once I was put on a goal to stop her, I went  with her into the stall once. That. Was. The most awkward thing that has ever happened.  I kept asking to like it and two I hopped on the seat to hide from the stall next to us next thing I know there's a head going from under there saying be quite. O.o.  Talk about weI rd. Anyway I had a idea that 'cut' it down a Bit. Funny funny? No? Ok... but uh, we got about how many times she was cutting in one day and started slowly bring it down. Then it shot right back up when shit  started happening. Then someone popped into her life, you know who you are cause I told you to read this, if you are brave to identify yourself ya can. That girl all of sudden was clean for like... three weeks. The person from a Bit ago yup you still know who you are, from the date this was made has been clean for 3 months. Great job and I'm proud of you. I also won't forget the day out in the field at school there was me and three or two others. They were sharing a blade (is dangerous to do. Also don't use a rusty one. In other words only ever use a clean blade) and they offered  it to me. Don't worry I said no. Never once not even now will I tell anyone what they do because loyalty means a lot to a person like me, I hope it does to them. People Will also say they cut  on the media.  Does it matree if their lieing or not. It's still a thing, and it's matters. I don't care who you are or what you've done. But I do have logic and I try to help, everyone needs someone to lean on, (I have a problem that I'm walking on the border line between good and evil)  but I'll be here if you need to talk to some one. It's not right but, some people (maybe you) gotta talk to someone who's alread full of secrets and is willing to keep more. 

If you are or have cut put in the comments #ShatteredScar

Next thing to talk about can be but also there or I'll just go to my friend and ask... again.

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